Feb 06, 2007 19:18

If you could see the last entry, it's now been privated as I am over my self-pity (for today), so prz to not be worrying. Once I got off my duff and actually went to Jeffersonville, I was fine, even if it did snow and I had to sacrifice two counties to the eldritch Title Gods. (The Title Gods prefer human flesh, but they were delighted that I had a backlog.)

Yay for leftover soup for dinner. ♥ Also cornbread.

Also, a special message for dethorats: Come, and be sucked into the vortex if you haven't already. You know you long to bathe in the glowing light of Geek. Search your feelings. You know it to be true.

The wheels in my head are turning, but I'm not really ready to talk about that yet. All will be revealed in the fullness of time.

links, friends, life, work

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