Thanksgiving Is Great Because We Have Three Kinds Of Pie

Nov 23, 2006 04:26

Because jurhael did it, at the time of writing it appears that we are having turkey with cornbread stuffing, rolls, cauliflower pie, cranberries (real cranberries, none of that suckass canned shit), coconut cream pie, and chocolate and pecan pie. (The latter is m0mmy's birthday pie, which I still owe her because I am of the suck.) I foresee leftovers in ( Read more... )

culinary adventures, slacktivism, life, thanksgiving!!!!!, taking care of business

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Comments 11

augustuscaesar November 23 2006, 07:50:33 UTC
1. I cannot participate because if I don't post H's birthday presents tomorrow it'll be even later than it's already going to be, and she might eat my face.
2. I do not believe this will happen until it actually does *g* But I believe you have my address anyway.
3. ♥


shake_the_stars November 24 2006, 20:02:56 UTC
1.) I would hate for H to eat your face, as I imagine that would cost a pretty penny to fix. So it would be good if you posted her birthday presents.

2.) Oh, do eat me *g* Yes, I do. I will have to get it off the back of the card you sent me for my birthday (the one that says HEARTS OMG! RUN! on the back).

3.) ♥ ♥


augustuscaesar November 24 2006, 22:52:47 UTC
1) I'm not sure I'd bother fixing it. Going about with an eaten face would be nothing if not original.

2) Hearts are scary things!

3) ♥- See! That one has a gun!


shake_the_stars November 25 2006, 17:42:28 UTC
1.) Well, yes, but it wouldn't exactly do wonders for the ol' self-esteem.

2.) I know! They almost attacked me!

3.) FLEEEEE!!!!!


forgottensanity November 23 2006, 09:48:59 UTC
Ooooh, coconut cream pie!!11!! Coconut cream pie sounds delicious. Cat likes coconut. And cream.

Also, Buy Nothing Day is weird. o.O Apparently someone has organised something in Denmark even, which sounds really strange. The thing that they've organised, not that it was organised in Denmark.

Also also, d'you want my address again or do you have it somewhere already?


shake_the_stars November 23 2006, 17:22:47 UTC
That is because it is delicious. ^_^ It has a custardy base with coconut mixed in, and then a meringue topping covered with toasted coconut. Screw that pansy-ass pumpkin pie; we have coconut cream pie every year.

In the US, the day after Thanksgiving is the biggest retail sales day in the year, so it's like MATERIALISM TO THE MAX and BUY BUY BUY and YOU'RE A LOSER IF YOU DON'T. That's why Buy Nothing Day is celebrated on the day after Thanksgiving here.

I never remember which address things should go to, so if you could zap it to me again, I should appreciate that greatly. &hears;


duokinneas November 23 2006, 19:54:38 UTC
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your m0mmy, Lee!

Also, what is cauliflower pie? I've never heard of it, and I don't usually like cauliflower, so currently, I'm thinking, "Ew," and wrinkling up my nose.

Also also, I refused long ago to buy anything tomorrow. Why do people think it's so important to get up at three thirty to get ready and go camp outside stores, getting in the employees' way as they try to get in to do their jobs starting at four thirty in the fucking morning? That's Goddamn disgusting, if you'll forgive how profane and incoherent I'm being about it. I just can't express how angry this consumerism makes me!

Do you still have my address, or would you like it again? I'll email it if you need it/want it/have to have it. ^_~


shake_the_stars November 24 2006, 20:22:58 UTC
Thank you, fluffkin. ♥ *fixes you a turkey sandwich and a big piece of pie*

Cauliflower pie is a tasty pie made with cauliflower and lots of CHEESE. The crust is made of shredded potato. Mostly, it's a pie about cheese. It's not traditional at our house for Thanksgiving, but we couldn't find green beans with almonds, so I made a cauliflower pie instead. It works as a side dish or a main dish.

I'm trying to be, like, Politically Aware and shit. I did some of my shopping at Christkindlmarkt, and I'm probably going to get up early on the weekends henceforth. I don't really like doing this, but if it is the only way for X-chan to get a Christmas present, then do it I shall.

I think I might still have it, but e-mail it to me again just in case. ^_^


duokinneas November 26 2006, 20:59:30 UTC
You're welcome! I hope your Black Friday was a good one, too, you crazy shopper. ^_^ And it's weird...I haven't had a turkey sandwich yet, just lots and lots of rolls and cranberry sauce.

Cauliflower, though...I suppose it's good when you disguise it with cheese and potato, but still! Maybe it's a kid thing that I haven't quite grown out of, this distrust of vegetables, especially ones that look like broccoli and that my mom thinks taste great by themselves. And I've never had green beans with almonds, either. You have some foods that I would never dream up. It amuses my soul.

It ruins the "Politically Aware" when you add "shit" at the end of the sentence, but hey, I'm not at all aware, or any shit like that. ^^6 I think you're nuts, though. Not even for my family would I be likely to wake up at three or four in the morning. Insanity!

Okie dokie, will do as soon as I end this comment! ♥


shake_the_stars November 26 2006, 21:15:33 UTC
But you have had pie, correct? Then you're not in dereliction of duty.

BIG SEKRIT: I don't like vegetables all that much either. Well, not the cooked ones, anyway. EVERYTHING is made better by cheese and potato. It's quite tasty, though; we cut the recipe out of the paper and it's become a winter staple here. As for green beans with almonds, you can find them in the frozen foods section of your supermarket; I think Green Giant or sommat puts them out.

I do, when I heart people. ^_^

Yay! It has been received. *is glad to be shopping TalynMart*


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