Thanksgiving Is Great Because We Have Three Kinds Of Pie

Nov 23, 2006 04:26

Because jurhael did it, at the time of writing it appears that we are having turkey with cornbread stuffing, rolls, cauliflower pie, cranberries (real cranberries, none of that suckass canned shit), coconut cream pie, and chocolate and pecan pie. (The latter is m0mmy's birthday pie, which I still owe her because I am of the suck.) I foresee leftovers in the immediate future. (We're freezing some of the turkey--it's a 16-lb. fresh turkey and there's only two of us. You might ask why we bought all that turkey. We didn't. Mom's workplace has an agreement with the turkey farm, so everyone gets a turkey voucher for Thanksgiving.)

Also, a happy belated birthday to treyvadi, because I suck. NO KILLING, PLZ KTHX.

Not very much of interest has happened this week. I went to Terre Haute and had a milkshake! :D Not that those two events are causally related, but I did get to flee Terre Haute at 3 p.m. instead of the customary 4 p.m. I'm getting paid for three 30-year searches which are basically the same search that I cannibalized twice in order to get the chain WHEEEE.

We may also be painting the guest room this weekend. I'm trying to goad m0mmy into having someone look at the TV, because if she doesn't I won't know whether to get her one or not.

Two orders of business:
1.) I would encourage them what's into this kind of thing to celebrate Buy Nothing Day. The website speaks for itself, but in the spirit of devil's advocacy, it's not like you wanted to get up at 5 a.m. on your day off to go fight a bunch of rabid shoppers for consumer goods anyway.
2.) Them what wants Xmas cards, which I promise I will do this year because I don't have to be in fucking Sullivan five days a week, should shoot the ol' address here or leave a comment. Comments will be screened; if you just had a comment and don't want to leave your address, they will be summarily unscreened as soon as I see them, whenever that will be.
3.) ♥

culinary adventures, slacktivism, life, thanksgiving!!!!!, taking care of business

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