Hungover, Not Stupid (Community fic)

May 24, 2012 22:54

Title: Hungover, Not Stupid (1/1)
Author: sinecure - My master fic list
Character/Pairing: Britta, Jeff, Annie
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,212
Genre: General
Spoilers: General ones for season3.
Summary: Jeff has to let a drunk Britta sleep over at his apartment - and the next morning, she finds a few things around that belong to Annie. - iknowitsbutters
Disclaimer: I don ( Read more... )

sinecure: community, sinecure: community: hungover not stupid, sinecure

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Comments 35

iknowitsbutters May 25 2012, 15:02:10 UTC
Thanks for remembering my idea and turning it into this. Britta's drunk talk and hungover waking up alone helped sell it early, and then of course the signs of Jeff's "girly-girl girlfriend" and their special smiles and kisses sealed the deal.


sinecure May 26 2012, 05:18:09 UTC
Absolutely! I'm just sorry I couldn't get to it during the battle.

Hehe, thanks. Drunk!Britta is actually kind of fun to write. I enjoyed doing it and possibly will do more in the future.


teruel_a_witch May 25 2012, 19:18:17 UTC
Lol, drunk Britta has got to be the funniest Britta.

He chuckled and shook his head, which was very disappointing. She was spoiling for a fight.
Aww, I'm choosing to believe it's Annie's influence on him <3

His curtains were closed as they always were at night. The better not to see the spinning ceiling light.
Ooh, her brain is poetry *gg*

he pulled back, resting his forehead on Annie's
double aww, you included forehead resting ♥ (I remember our little discussion that you hadn't had that and wanted to put in it somewhere *gg*) Gawd, can this please happen on screen? Pretty please? I would die but I would be so happy because it would be so beautiful *sigh*


sinecure May 26 2012, 05:23:27 UTC
Hee! She is in my head. I just generally like writing drunk folks. That rambling stream of consciousness thing is fun.

LOL, I didn't even notice that! *headdesk* Talk about being a poet and not knowing it. ;) I should write that into a fic, that Britta's brain is poetry.

I don't remember wanting to put it in somewhere, but I remember saying I use it too much, because, um, yup. I do. So many fics down the line that have that in there, and now everyone will be looking for it and noting it and getting sick of it because I brought attention to it.

I'd love to see it too. So. very. much. One of my favorite shippy moments in any fandom is in Veronica Mars when Logan rests his forehead on Veronica's. The smile and soft talk they share is just so... awww. *sigh*


teruel_a_witch May 29 2012, 13:15:07 UTC
Heh, accidental rhyming should be the only rhyming there is in fic XD

and now everyone will be looking for it and noting it and getting sick of it because I brought attention to it.
Sweetie, I don't think anyone is reading our comment threads, especially on this journal, not everyone has my stalkerish tendencies ;)

Hm, I don't remember if I saw that, I was marathoning VM last summer and I watched till about 3x09 or so, because I knew s3 wasn't that good and because I knew Logan and Veronica were gonna break up so I didn't want to see that. Especially since I heard he apparently cheated (um, why such character assassination after 2,5 years of building him up?) and I didn't want it to change how I felt about them so I never saw it all go south. You know cheating is an ultimate deal breaker for me so, yeah. Sucks.


sinecure May 31 2012, 04:26:08 UTC
Are you kidding?! Everyone in the world is reading our comments. Come on. We're special. Let's just face facts already, huh?

Ohhh, I need to marathon VM again, it's been about a year since I last did that. The episode was in season 1, called Hot Dogs, I think it was just after they left Logan's party that his dad threw for him. Ugh. Season 3 and I have some issues. I gotta say, I hated Piz. Stupid name, stupid character. Also, I don't believe Logan cheated. Well, he had slept with someone else while they were broken up for a bit. Someone Veronica had some serious, serious issues with. But they weren't together at the time. You know, sort of like Ross' 'We were ON a break!' thing.

Man, I miss VM. *sigh*


crittab May 25 2012, 19:54:14 UTC
That was great! Although, if I was Annie I'd be more and a little concerned about Britta spending the night at Jeff's place.


sinecure May 26 2012, 05:24:12 UTC
Thanks! Hehe, nah! She's secure in their relationship.


nyclove3 May 25 2012, 22:24:44 UTC
sinecure May 26 2012, 05:40:10 UTC
Thanks! Honestly, I prefer fic!Britta to TV!Britta, so I'm not sure how much I captured her voice. It's fun writing her though... even if it was just drunk!Britta. /overuse of !Britta

Hee. I loved the image of her stopping Jeff and asking him to stop her hair from screaming. Hehe! I think Britta's denial about Jeff and Annie would prevent her from jumping to that conclusion just from the purple stuff. But the yellow cardigan. Oh, yes, that is undeniable.

The forehead thing is a thing with me. I love it!

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it. :)


maybebaby1280 May 26 2012, 00:15:40 UTC
Oh but it makes so much sense!

I love how you've captured Britta's thought process as the realization comes to her. I think she'd react exactly that way. And I super love that when she saw Jeff and Annie kissing, she felt like she was intruding on something very private. Because I always imagine that they would have lots of little moments like that, where the whole world drops away and it's just the two of them, completely caught up in each other. Really lovely fic :)


sinecure May 26 2012, 05:43:46 UTC
Don't they, though?

Thanks! Writing Britta is a newish thing for me, but writing her drunk was almost like cheating. Her realization was fun to go through in her head. It felt right to me, so I'm glad it worked.

Aww, I know! I want to intrude on some of those moments. Be a fly on the wall and just see them be sweet and cuddly and adorable.

Thank you again. :)


maybebaby1280 May 26 2012, 14:21:50 UTC
Oh oh oh, you should do that! You should write a series of little ficlets that are fly-on-the-wall moments, capturing the sweetness, cuddliness, and adorableness of Jeff and Annie, right before they think they're about to be discovered so they break apart and try to act all normal and nonchalant. DOOOO IIIIIITTTTTT. :D


sinecure May 27 2012, 04:39:37 UTC
Dude, if I didn't have a gazillion fics already going, I'd so do that series! You should do it. Or anyone else reading this!

So adorkable, those two.


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