Exhibitionism At Its Finest (Community fic)

Apr 01, 2012 23:05

Title: Exhibitionism At Its Finest (1/1)
Author: sinecure - My master fic list
Character/Pairing: Jeff/Annie
Rating: NC-17... R?
Word Count: 916
Genre: The porn genre.
Spoilers: None.
Summary: Jeff *ahems* Annie in a public place.
Disclaimer: I don't own Community and I make no money off of it.
A/N: There's a big ole kink meme winding down at milady_milord. Sorry ( Read more... )

sinecure: community, sinecure: community: exhibitionism, sinecure

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teruel_a_witch April 5 2012, 14:46:32 UTC
She's so down to earth and adorable and intelligent and actually nerdy/dorky, perfect, really.

... )


teruel_a_witch June 22 2012, 15:54:56 UTC
I mean, do they actually have the power to? I read that those bastards didn't let the equal payment bill pass *grr*

What is worse is that people actually vote for them.


sinecure June 23 2012, 04:20:39 UTC
Yeah. They've done it and are keeping them out until they say it's okay. Like time out for a hissy fit, I think someone said. So much fucking hate.

Yeah, I don't get that at all, I really don't. No equal pay, no health rights and on and on.


teruel_a_witch June 23 2012, 23:56:55 UTC
Ugh, srsly, what the fuck? Do GOP have more votes or something? How can they keep women silent, how can it be logical to keep women out of deciding about women's health? (Do they need us to show them "how the p***y works?") I just, I can't, I lose the ability to can.


sinecure June 30 2012, 06:38:40 UTC
Oh, such a good question. The democrats are wimps who won't fight back, and the GOP are bullies who push everyone around. There are more in the House right now, but not the Senate. They threaten to filibuster and nothing gets voted on.

Score one for the Dems though and Obama for the health care bill being ruled constitutional. Fewer people will die now. They Republicans aren't happy about that.

LOL, I think they do. They just keep coming up with statements like 'this has nothing to do with women!' in regards to the abortion bills and women's health care. So, yeah, I think they need a refresher course.

I, too, lose the ability to can.


sinecure April 17 2012, 07:25:18 UTC
The adorableness! I think I just died a little in my chair.


teruel_a_witch April 22 2012, 22:48:40 UTC
I know right?

... )


sinecure April 24 2012, 06:42:13 UTC

...that's begging for fic.

And I shall provide. Someday.


teruel_a_witch April 24 2012, 23:27:28 UTC
Which pairing? (hehe)


sinecure April 25 2012, 03:08:55 UTC
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo. We do not speak of J/A... oh. Wow. Can you believe I just realized Joel/Alison is J/A too? I'm slow sometimes.

It would be Jeff/Annie. Jeff/Annie. Nobody else.

No, seriously, I wouldn't even know how to... with that other thing, and the stuff and the thing and the no.


teruel_a_witch April 25 2012, 20:54:33 UTC
Hee, I realized that a long time ago *gg* I dunno if you have seen one of the cutest outtakes (It wasn't on the DVDs, it was in the Community-on-the-Internet video for the D&D episode, I don't even know if it's online anymore):
Alison(in character):Oh, no, he's gonna kill himself, Joel.
Joel(in character):Who's Joel? (breaks into a smile and they both laugh)
Hehe, she didn't even realize she used the wrong name until he pointed that out *gg*

Haha, your whole shifty-flustered typing routine is so cute.

Jeff/Annie it is (though it's still Joel looking at Ali this way and he's not in character :P)


sinecure April 26 2012, 06:56:37 UTC
I have seen that outtake, I just don't remember how. Are you sure it's not on the DVDs because I think that's where I saw it. It was adorable as always. They can do no wrong.

Me, shifty? Flustered? Never! I have no idea what you're talking about. *shifty eyes* Really!

Mmm-hmm. But he's married. And has kids. And Jeff would totally look at Annie like that.


teruel_a_witch April 26 2012, 18:55:36 UTC
Hm, I dunno, are Community-on-the-Internet vids on the DVD? I always assumed they weren't because they are not usually posted with DVD extras on the interwebs but I might be wrong, I don't have the DVDs so I can't check.

Haha, you are adorable.

I know that, that's why I always imagine AU where they are both just characters *gg*

How Jeff looks at Annie depends on Joel, I mean he has a special face/smile for her and even his tone of voice changes when he talks to/about her. I'm creepy like that so I noticed *gg* My favourite thing though is how much she cracks him up.

Oookay, before you decide you want nothing to do with me ;) Here, look at the hottest gif (not Joel/Alison, don't worry:P)
Vampire!Jeff is damn HAWT but that scene, he looks like he wants to devour Annie in a totally non-nutritional manner ;) Makes me hot just looking at it. *stares* Whoa, why is it so hot in here *fans self*


sinecure April 28 2012, 04:08:07 UTC
No clue if they're the same. I rarely watch Community stuff online unless someone posts something and I get curious. I know I've seen that clip though.

I am adorable. It's been said. ;)

Ahhh, see that makes sense.

That's one reason why I think Joel is a J/A shipper like Alison. From the very beginning with her and 'the look', he's been giving his all.

Mmmm, nice. Very hawt. Again, Joel's a shipper. 'nuff said. It's just tru fax.


teruel_a_witch April 29 2012, 01:00:02 UTC
Well, do the DVDs have "community-on-the-Internet" names videos featured on them?

Idk, I've always had the impression that Joel doesn't care about shipping. He just happens to have a soft spot for Alison *gg* (he compliments her at every possible occasion, and they share so much Twitter cuteness, and she's the one that makes him laugh the most. Also, aww, he actually called her, Gillian and Danny his best friends)


sinecure April 30 2012, 05:15:43 UTC
No clue. I haven't watched them since last year sometime. *shrug*

I got the impression Joel cares from the commentaries. Not sure why though. I haven't seen the two of them together too much, except the clips and pics you've sent me.

Awww. Adorable... yep. That words gets overused a lot by me.


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