Exhibitionism At Its Finest (Community fic)

Apr 01, 2012 23:05

Title: Exhibitionism At Its Finest (1/1)
Author: sinecure - My master fic list
Character/Pairing: Jeff/Annie
Rating: NC-17... R?
Word Count: 916
Genre: The porn genre.
Spoilers: None.
Summary: Jeff *ahems* Annie in a public place.
Disclaimer: I don't own Community and I make no money off of it.
A/N: There's a big ole kink meme winding down at milady_milord. Sorry ( Read more... )

sinecure: community, sinecure: community: exhibitionism, sinecure

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teruel_a_witch April 5 2012, 14:46:32 UTC
She's so down to earth and adorable and intelligent and actually nerdy/dorky, perfect, really.

I'm usually not one to watch interviews and care much about BTS stuff but hers are always so entertaining to watch.

Well, it's not weird to aww at their friendship and incredible chemistry(I remember Joel posted a pic with the backs of Alison's, Gillian's and Danny's head and said something like "nothing like watching a new episode with my best friends" so AWWWWW, I just love so much the closeness and family friendly vibe of this cast, they enjoy each other's presence as much as we all enjoy watching them all together) it would be weird and creepy and inappropriate if we screamed from the rooftops "get married and have beautiful babies",lol. I might or might not do that only in private email conversations but I can neither confirm not deny that


sinecure April 6 2012, 04:16:15 UTC
Awww again. She's so perfect, as you said. And dorky. I love me some dorkness. I love when cast members get along; it sort of makes me feel like the show isn't faking it. Like knowing such and such hates such and such would make me feel their character and the other person's character were faking it. That makes no sense except in my head.

*snicker* I admit, I've had thoughts of them being too cute for words together, but then I remember he's married and I don't ship real life folks. Even if I did read a few Billie/David fics. It was for... a friend did-- and then there was an alien. I was brainwashed. Don't judge me! ;)

However, that made me feel rather dirty. And I have absolutely no desire to see these two paired up in fic.

It's a weird thing.


teruel_a_witch April 6 2012, 08:27:22 UTC
I love when cast members get along; it sort of makes me feel like the show isn't faking it. Like knowing such and such hates such and such would make me feel their character and the other person's character were faking it.
It makes perfect sense and I feel the same.

That would be pot and kettle, hun,haha. You read couple of David/Billie fics? I had read ALL OF THEM. I used to be seriously rabid about those two and I was a member of billandteninch comm and had a handful of prompts written (lol, actually, more of my David/Billie prompts in comment-ficathons had even been filled than Doctor/Rose prompts, and for my birthday a friend once wrote me a 15k word fic that had them, coincidentally, doing it in the shower with half wet clothes still on xD) It was all their fault,though, being all BFFy and adorable and having nicknames for each other and professing their love publicly.

But I resist Community RPF because the cast is too aware of the Internet and it would be extra creepy if such fic existed xD But it's perfectly acceptable to enjoy their friendship and adorableness <3 (have you seen the s2 Joel&Alison(and other people) paintball interview with Megan Masters?)


sinecure April 8 2012, 04:40:59 UTC
Awww, ohhh, I see. I only read the few I read because they were on my flist and right there. Otherwise I wouldn't have bothered. Although I do love them together. Sucks they're both married with kids though. Well, it doesn't suck for them, LOL.

Mmmm, half-naked wet folks getting it on. It's a kink of mine. As well as yours, hehe.

I, too, resist because... I don't know. I knew Joel from the Soup first, a long time before watching Community, so shipping Jeff and Annie felt really weird at first. But Jeff was so not-Joel... I know they use character traits of the actors, but Jeff and Joel? Not the same at all. So, it was okay to ship J/A, but Joel and Alison? Kind of squicks me out. Damn them for being so fucking adorable!

Hm. I don't know that I have seen that. Is it on the dvds?


teruel_a_witch April 14 2012, 22:14:46 UTC
Well, David wasn't actually married with a kid when I shipped it and we never cared for Billie's husband because we all disliked him,lol. He had a nickname Disapproving Rabbit. *gg*

I'd never seen Joel(well, if you don't count that episode of Pushing Daisies but I only learnt it had been him when I became part of Community fandom, I didn't remember that until it was pointed out to me) before I started Community (lol, I didn't even know Chevy Chase,so) I was really surprised the dude who plays Jeff Winger is a sweet family guy,haha, it was just weird. But they do have some things in common, like sense of humour, taste for clothing (Joel is actually that vain, I so giggled when one of the wardrobe guys said "Joel is kind of a diva" *gg*) and diet ("does this hard-boiled egg make me look fat?" hehe, that was so a dig at Joel)
(it kind of doesn't squick me out at all, unfortunately, I wish,lol, but let us not get further into it I actually have someone to chat about our shared inappropriate RP-shipping with)

Nope, it isn't. Here
They are majorly adorable, it's like they are taunting us ;)


sinecure April 15 2012, 07:22:09 UTC
I've heard that Billie's husband wasn't well liked, but I thought that was just the usual fans hating spouses thing. Hehe. My nickname growing up was Rabbit.

I only watched... most of season 1? Part of it? I wasn't fond of the show. It was gorgeous, but Ned and Sara? I can't even remember their names. They were just meh to me because of the no-touching thing, which ruined all of it for me. It was always there, always going to be there, always between them which, to me, felt sort of manipulative toward the audience. Giving them a preset reason for not being able to get together.

Man. It breaks my heart a little when people admit to not knowing Chevy before Community.

Well, yeah, I knew all of that about Joel/Jeff, but family guy, in love obviously, two kids.. selfish lawyer who's learning about family and love. Totally separate in my mind.

Stoooooooooooooooooooooooop it, you're going to talk me into reading some. Or looking for some, but NO! I refuse. *sics Britta on you*

I'll have to check that out.


teruel_a_witch April 15 2012, 23:59:32 UTC
Nope, the Lawrence hate was always somewhat founded xD

I actually didn't go far in that show,too, only through short s1 and started s2 but dropped, I was personally just bored by it. And I totally agree, who invents something like that, it's an impasse that can never be overcome, what is the purpose of that relationship, srsly.

It breaks my heart a little when people admit to not knowing Chevy before Community.
Um, why?
(he's actually just not famous in my country so I had never known him)

Yup, they are totally separate in my mind,too. I ship Joel/Alison completely unrelated to Jeff/Annie xD

Don't worry, there's nothing TO read, so your conscience is safe, there's no Community RPF on the Internet probably because people are afraid of the actors/crew discovering it since they are so aware of the fandom xD

I remember when that interview came out last year it was cuter then what we had actually gotten in the episode xD


sinecure April 16 2012, 03:50:48 UTC
I know nothing about Lawrence, didn't even know his name. Did he do something assholish?

Right? The whole romantic thing just... annoyed me.

You're in Germany, right? I actually thought he was known world-wide-ish, but it's more the overall lack of knowledge of people who are fading into history. Then when one of them has a comeback, ala Chevy, so many people saying they've never heard of him/her just... is sad. In America with Chevy, obviously, since he's not known outside it much, as you said. It's like when Pierce mentioned Betty Grable. I wasn't alive then, but I know who she is. But people didn't know Chevy. It makes sense in my head.

Yay! That's a load off. I'm squicked out by my sudden-- uh-oh. Being told there is none... what if that makes me want it more? ;)

Still have to watch it. Still haven't. Don't know why. I'm hoarding the cute maybe.


teruel_a_witch April 16 2012, 22:26:01 UTC
The general impression is he's not a nice person and there weren't a single happy photo of them and he has a temper or something. I didn't read much but he is universally disliked.

Heh, nope, I'm in Russia. Why, do I sound German? I mean, do I construct sentences the way a German person would?
Well, a lot of things came late or never came to Russia at all (or weren't huge, like I only watched The Princess Bride or The Labyrinth two and 3 years ago because they weren't known here when I was growing up), nowadays we get new stuff quickly but it used to be like, remember on HIMYM "The 80s came to Canada in the 90s", well, it was kinda like that with pop-culture/a lot of tv-stuff here. So there are always gonna be gaps in pop-culture knowledge with me or something I watched that seems too old for me to know. Information travels in weird ways all over the globe *gg*

I actually never ever heard Betty Grable's name before Community and I still know nothing about her, but I do know some old Soviet actors that died before I was born.

what if that makes me want it more? ;)
Mwah-ah-ah, maybe that was my diabolical plan ;) Jk.

Heh, I rewatched it myself, I wish Jeff and Annie could sit comfortable and familiar and smiling like that one day.


sinecure April 17 2012, 07:14:05 UTC
Ah. Hm. That's why I tend to stay away from celebrity personal relationship stuff.

I have no idea why I thought you were in Germany. Maybe someone mentioned it when we were talking and I just attributed the mention to you.

It's that American arrogance rearing its head, that we're the end-all be-all of everything and we--I--expect everyone around the world to know/do everything that the US knows/does.

I just watched Labyrinth a few years ago too, though it was a rewatch. I hadn't seen it in years. LOL, oh, Robin Sparkles... how we love you and your bad songs and 80s styles and cheesieness. Let's Go To The Mall is actually in a dance game for Wii. My niece had it over on Christmas. When I saw the song, me, her mom, and my mom all started laughing and she had no idea why. Then her mom showed her an episode and she mainlined it like water after a ten year desert trip. She's obsessed now. And with Community.

Again, the American arrogance, please forgive me. To me, she and so many others are like Marilyn Monroe and I think that everyone has to have heard of her. I'm sure I've never, ever heard of the old Soviet actors either.

Diabolical plan is diabolical.

Still haven't watched it. I will now. Right as soon as I hit the Post Comment button.


teruel_a_witch April 22 2012, 23:05:02 UTC
Me,too, I tend to not even read bios and stuff, and very rarely interviews,etc, only when I'm completely obsessed like with Community xD

Hm, as far as I know there are actually no Germans amongst the active M/M folk (yup, I'm this weirdo who actually looks into people's profiles, I know nobody does that but I figure it exists why not look into it xD)

Nah, that's ok, it's all due to different background and pop-culture exposure. I used to think people who don't know geography or world history are stupid because it seemed to me those are things everybody should know, but then I realized not everyone has the same education system (like we had no choice, we had to study all of the subjects in middle/high school, but I know western system allows you to choose which subjects you need and all) so it's not their fault. Also, I'm aware that they seem to teach us in Russia much more about the world than they teach the world about Russia. *gg*


sinecure April 24 2012, 06:48:01 UTC
I am so, so bad at geography. Yep. Our school system sucks balls. And just keeps being driven into the ground even worse. Teaching freaking 'creationism' as possible fact, while leaving out actual facts. Dinosaurs don't exist! The world is only 3000 years old! The Constitution is 3000 years old! The Civil War wasn't about slavery at all, no, nope, unh-uh!


The stupid; it burns.


teruel_a_witch May 16 2012, 20:27:11 UTC
Teaching freaking 'creationism' as possible fact, while leaving out actual facts. Dinosaurs don't exist! The world is only 3000 years old! The Constitution is 3000 years old! The Civil War wasn't about slavery at all, no, nope, unh-uh!
Lol, srsly? It's just it kinda fits the jokes we have about US, but I thought they were just jokes.
I only learnt that "creationism" is a theory of where we came from that exists in advanced sociology course I took before Uni, it was in the same wagon as the one where aliens planted life on Earth xD
I can't imagine growing up in a society where religion has such a powerful pull. Here the Orthodox Church is still trying to gain some weight because all the power they had was destroyed by Bolsheviks and decades and decades of anti-religious propaganda. It was actually illegal to baptise before the 80s. My parents decided to get baptised along with a 6-months old me, which actually makes me angry because nobody asked me, it wasn't my choice, I've been a pretty aggressive atheist as long as I remember (lol, I believed in Santa but never in any deities xD) LOL, imagine a 11-year old arguing with a middle-aged tour guide that was waxing poetic about "miracles" and I was like "won't believe it till I see it" and the lady getting frustrated because she was losing an argument to a 11-year old, and the whole bus of pupils waiting to go home from a school trip so that the teacher had to drag me away,haha. I could be such a Britta sometimes *gg*


sinecure June 17 2012, 06:25:31 UTC
Oh, man, don't get me started. A freaking GOP lawmaker just banned the women senators from speaking about women's health rights because one of them used the word 'vagina'! He said she used a word he wouldn't repeat in front of a woman or in mixed company. He was offended. Well, sir, I'm offended by all of you fuckers trying to take my rights away. Get the fuck over it, asshole! Ugh!

*breathes* *calms down* *breathes some more*

LOL, I bet she was thrilled to debate you on the matter. ;) You Britta, you!


teruel_a_witch June 19 2012, 13:50:11 UTC
A freaking GOP lawmaker just banned the women senators from speaking about women's health rights
Whu, they can do that?

Ugh, srsly, what is wrong with GOP?

Heh, what kind of grown-up person would seriously get involved in an argument with a 11-year-old? And also lose,lol.


sinecure June 22 2012, 08:16:03 UTC
Apparently they think they can.

Ugh, srsly, what is wrong with GOP?

A question I've been asking for a long time.

Um, a lame one? Hee.


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