Fic: Fallen (1/1)

Dec 22, 2008 07:45

Title: Fallen (1/1)
Author: momdaegmorgan - My master fic list
Rating: All ages
Spoilers: If you blink, Doomsday
Characters/Pairings: Rose/Ten
Summary: The Doctor finds it harder and harder to leave.
Disclaimer: Doctor Who owns my soul. I own nothing.
Author's Note: Merry Christmas, rachelbeann! Beta by the jolly sinecure

Standing by the bed, one arm inside his coat, the other dangling uselessly by his side, the Doctor watched Rose with haunted eyes. This nightly ritual of theirs was spiraling out of control. What started off as a simple reassurance that she was really there, truly back with him, had quickly become something more.

Now a night didn't go by when he couldn't be found in her bed, and occasionally, in her arms. But that wasn't what alarmed him most. Giving comfort to his companions when they needed it wasn't against the rules after all. No, what really worried him was the way he had to force himself to leave her side once her eyelids fluttered closed and her breathing evened out.

It seemed he was just as dependent on her now as she was on him.

One day soon he wouldn't be able to pull himself away anymore. Wouldn't be able to stop watching her sleep, listening to the sounds of her dreams, immersing himself in the distinct scent that was Rose.

He knew her patterns by heart; she started off on her side, facing him, rolling restlessly onto her back when he got out of bed. The sighs of discontentment that escaped her parted lips, as if she knew, sent an ache through him that he'd never felt before. One hand always rested on her pillow, clenching and unclenching like she was grasping for something that wasn't there, and he didn't need to be a mind reader to know what it was she sought, he felt the same unease when they weren't palm-to-palm, their fingers intertwined together.

He knew each facial expression she made. Often wondered what they meant, what dreamscapes her mind had created that caused her to scrunch up her nose in distaste or smile so brilliantly that he could almost see her eyes twinkling in excitement. Even more, he wanted to know what fantasy was playing out behind closed lids when her tongue moved slowly, oh so slowly, over her lips.

It was wrong, this obsession he had for his human companion. If the other Time Lords could see him now, they'd shun him for his weakness. But they weren't here. They weren't and she was. Rose Tyler, the woman who'd snuck into his hearts and taken up residence. The one who'd eased his guilt over a race long-dead. She didn't know, but he'd found healing in her trust, love in her acceptance of all that he was, and hope in her belief in him and all that he ever could be.

The Doctor, the last of the Time Lords, lonely angel to some, oncoming storm to others, had fallen.

But there was one thing he didn't know; when he was ready, when he was willing to set aside all the reasons, all the rules and all the regulations that had prevented him from giving himself fully to her, would Rose be there to catch him?

momdaegmorgan: fallen, momdaegmorgan: tenth doctor, momdaegmorgan

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