The Great Cell Phone Caper

Jun 11, 2012 23:45

Title: The Great Cell Phone Caper (3/5)
Author: sinecure - My master fic list
Character/Pairing: Jeff/Annie, Chang (misc. characters make small appearances)
Rating: R (adult)
Word Count: 6,258
Genre: Humor, romance, smut, slight angst
Spoilers: Early season 3, before the hiatus.
Summary: Annie's cell phone gets locked away and she plans a break-in to retrieve it. Jeff catches on to her plans and goes to stop her, but gets roped into helping instead.
Disclaimer: I don't own Community and I make no money off of it.
A/N: So, the Community Big Bang is here! This is my entry, through much blood, sweat, tears, and whinging.
A/N 2: Big, huge thanks to na_thalia for the beta--all mistakes are mine, don't blame her--and teruel_a_witch for the support and shoulder to whinge on.


Hurrying down the hall, Jeff slipped inside the supply closet and pulled the door shut just as Chang rounded the corner and ran past them. This night was all about near-misses. Leaning his forehead against the door, he breathed a sigh of relief. Annie brushed against him and he felt her hand press against his back.

He should put a stop to that, because touching was another thing that would lead them straight into trouble. With Annie, it was hard to draw a clear line of when to stop and how much was too much. Generally, if he was left breathless, that was a pretty good indicator of when to stop.

Turning, he came face to face with her forehead. "Annie." His tone was sarcastic, and he was about to follow it up with a smartass remark when he glanced past her. There wasn't a whole lot of 'past her' since the entire closet was filled with boxes.

"It's chocolate." She moved a hand between the inch of space separating them. "Want one?"

Glancing at the chocolate bar she held up, he shook his head. "I'll pass." Pressing tight to the door, he felt panic rise in him. She was too close. This was a bad idea. The entire night was a bad idea taking horrible shape before his panicky eyes.

It was a terrible, terrible habit, but Jeff found himself inhaling her scent whenever Annie was close enough for him to do so. She had different perfumes, different lotions, shampoos, and other products she put on every morning, but underneath all of that was a familiar scent that was all Annie.

Every time he was near her, it was there. He'd begun to think of it as Eau de Annie Naturel. Tonight, she smelled like spicy vanilla and roses, but it was still there, as was the scent of chocolate. But all he could really focus on was Annie.




And his already aroused body really, really liked that scent.

When she turned to put the chocolate bar back, her hair tickled his nose and he caught his breath. Bad idea, too close, clear indicator.



Fucking Annie.

He wasn't sure if he was cursing her or expressing a desire.

"We should go," he said desperately, looking over his shoulder. There wasn't a window in the door, though, so all he saw was wood. Thank god, or Chang would've already caught them.

Was that less desirable than being pressed like sardines into a tiny closet filled with one of the world's most addictive natural aphrodisiacs? Hell, no. At this point, to save his sanity, his dignity, and his friendship with one of--one of?--his best friends, he'd gladly have run out the door and surrendered, even to Chang.

But Annie's future was at stake, too, and there was no way in hell he'd purposely get her caught.

And then, to top off their imperfect adventure, Chang came back, talking loudly, taunting him and Annie, going on and on and... on.

"Hey, Annie, did you know that Jeff looooooooooooooves you? Ugh! It's sickening the way you guys look at each other. And it's obvious Annie's all about the Winger too."

Jeff kept his eyes on the boxes piled up behind Annie, but he felt her hand settle back on his stomach. There was the slightest tug as she caught his shirt between her fingers, not to get his attention, but to share in his embarrassment, to calm him, to remind him that he wasn't alone.

At least, he imagined that was what it meant, because it was what he wanted to do for her.

Which was the problem.

He'd do just about anything for Annie, and that scared him. He was Jeff Winger, the uncaring, soulless lawyer. At least, he used to be. But now he was changing, and what he was changing into scared him. Putting other people's needs and wants ahead of his own was a foreign concept to him. Used to be, he stressed to himself.

Used. To. Be.

Right now, he'd give a lot to be at home, tossing back a beer and watching a game of some kind. Any game, he wasn't picky. He didn't follow anything out of interest, only to keep up with the latest talk, to be able to be knowledgeable about something. To keep-- why the hell did he watch soccer, for god's sake?

Considering he was trapped in a closet with the girl he'd been lusting after for more than two years, it seemed pretty inconsequential.

All while Chang spit out more truth than Jeff had in those same two years.

Being faced with Annie and the truth of their feelings hit him hard, but the fact that he liked it and wanted more, and that he was getting harder at the thought of how completely Annie was in his heart, that was more difficult to take.

His eyes dropped to hers as she tipped her head back to see him.

She was begging him to kiss her without saying a word. He didn't even think she was aware of it. It was just there, in her eyes, in the way her lips twitched when she dropped her gaze to his mouth. He found himself licking his lips and leaning down.

"Of course, before you, it was Britta, so maybe he just wants to go through your whole stupid group. Maybe it's gonna be Shirley next! Well, Winger, I had her first!"

Annie dropped back on her heels, puffing her cheeks out as she exhaled, gaze landing somewhere in the vicinity of Jeff's chest.

He could, quite easily, kill Chang right at that very moment.

"I'm gonna kill him!" she hissed, echoing his thoughts, gearing up for a fight. She tried to push Jeff aside, but he stayed stock still.

He leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Just ignore him. He'll go away eventually and we'll make a run for it."

"Nobody talks about Shirley that way."

Jeff nodded, though he'd thought her righteous indignation was for herself, Britta, or maybe even him. Shirley, of course, had nothing to do with any of this, which... would be why Annie was angry on her behalf.

He kind of loved her for that.

Fingers twitching on her elbow, he stared at her.

It was just an expression, that was all. Of course he loved her. He loved all of them, the entire study group, both as a whole and as separate people, as friends. It wasn't like he'd specifically meant Annie.

Except that he had.

But it was just a general declaration of love for a friend.

Except that it wasn't.

Holy crap.

He didn't believe in that shit. Love was something shared between family and/or friends, it wasn't meant to be spread to random people he was attracted to. He loved his mom, his friends, his job, and... Annie.


"Jeff." She tugged on his shirt, gesturing to the door with her head. "Is he gone? I think he's gone. We should leave while we can."

"We probably won't get far." Turning to face the door, thinking it might be written in bright red ink all over his face that a fairly major revelation had just occurred to him, he took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, then did it again. "No more cowbell."


Surprised he'd said that out loud, he shook his head with a soft chuckle. "It's-- never mind. I think you're right. He's too quiet out there." He glanced back over his shoulder at her, smiling when she straightened her spine and put on her game face. Was it a wonder that he--

Time to go.

"I'm gonna check," he whispered, opening the door slowly, quietly, barely moving it. "Be ready to run like a bat out of-- crap." Chang was just down the hall, checking each doorway, peeking through each door panel. He yanked one open, went briefly inside, then came right back out, shutting the door behind him. Then he crossed the hall and did the same with the next classroom.

Pulling the door shut again, Jeff turned to Annie. "He's checking the rooms, heading this way."

Annie shifted, shoes scraping on the dusty floor. "We could run, then split up. He can only catch one of us."

"No." There was no way he was splitting up now. This undertaking--over a stupid cell phone--had become his personal mission, one that he would see through to the end. And the end was to not get caught, especially by Chang. Even if the call was from Dumb Danny. Taking her by the arms, he stared intently into her face. "We're getting out of here. I'm not letting Chang take us alive."

Her lips twitched. "Okay, Thelma."

He made a face at the reference. "We stick together, Louise. You got that? To the end." He turned and held his hand out.

She took a second, then put her hand on top of the back of his. "To the end." It was a sad, two-person vow, but they made the most of it, whispering 'break!' and then sharing a stupid grin.

"Okay, he's on our right, so, we go left. Okay?"


"We don't have time to--"

"Jeff... there's a vent right across from us!" She was smiling, still staying quiet, but in an excited way. She even hopped a little.

"Uh..." The vents weren't his favorite place in the school. "Those are Chang's old stomping grounds. We should probably avoid them."

She grabbed his shirt, grinning up at him. "We can hide in there--he'll never know. I mean, he hasn't even seen us yet, and for all he knows, there's no one actually here--and then we move to another hallway and escape. Ta da!"

Solid plan, unfortunately.

And Chang was closing in on them. "Fine. To the end...." He inched the door open and checked Chang's location. Three doors down. It'd be close, but he could see the vent clearly from his position. It was maybe six feet from their closet. Nodding to her, he wrapped his hand around her wrist and glanced back out again.

When Chang went through the next door, Jeff yanked the closet door all the way open, pulled it shut as fast as he could, then dove across the hall, drawing Annie with him toward--


Smooshing himself into the space between the drinking fountain beside the vent and the wall, he swung Annie around to the space on the other side. They crammed in as Chang shut the door of the room he'd just checked. Their eyes followed Chang as he crossed the hall to the next door.

Feeling adrenaline rush through him again, Jeff caught Annie's eye and darted his own to the vent. She nodded, looking close to terrified. As soon as Chang opened the next door, Jeff and Annie ran toward the vent.

He pried it open with his nails and shoved Annie inside, not even bothering to enjoy the feel of her in his hands for the brief moment it took before he was following her. Luck was with them, because Chang came out just seconds after Jeff pulled the vent closed. It snicked shut quietly, though Jeff would've bet money that Chang's ears perked up.

Pressing Annie forward with a hand to her back, he very quietly crawled along the metal floor behind her. Bad memories were in here, memories of how fucked up he'd become in one day. One day without his friends. He'd become a savage. Being on the outside looking in was a place he never wanted to be again.

"Hurry," he whispered, feeling a tingling on the back of his neck. It was just adrenaline and the fear of getting caught, but he felt like Chang knew they were in there.

Like he could sense them invading his old territory.

Annie crawled gamely on, black-clad ass right in his line of vision, swinging from side to side as she went. He probably should've gone in first. This was... not ideal. Just as they reached the bend, Chang's flashlight beam cut the darkness. Jeff jumped on Annie as she turned to look back. He pressed her flat, half-sprawled on top of her.

She gasped, just the tiniest sound, but he wrapped his hand around her mouth, holding it tight, warning her with his eyes not to make another noise. Wide eyes watching, she shifted under him.

It was stupid for either of them to pretend his erection wasn't there, so he didn't even bother trying. He ignored it as much as he could while plastered to Annie's soft, warm body. Firm. There wasn't a lot left to the imagination with her shapes and curves tight against him, but his mind pressed for images of her skin, the feel of it, the smell, the creamy color of each individual arm, leg, breast, dip of shoulder or back...

Adrenaline pumped through him faster. He could feel her heartbeat against his chest, pounding out a rapid rhythm that matched his.

"I know you losers are here," Chang shouted angrily, snapping the moment between them as surely as a rubber band pulled too tight. A door slammed against the wall and Chang's footsteps grew louder.

He was almost to the vent.

"Go," Jeff whispered in Annie's ear. When she didn't move, he drew back to ask her why.

She was staring at him pointedly.

Right. He was on top of her.

"Sorry." Climbing off of her, body screaming at him to stop, he glanced back over his shoulder. Chang's flashlight was still close by, but not shining into the vent yet.
There was no doubt in Jeff's mind that he would look in there sooner or later.

With the way Annie had to shimmy and adjust to get past him and then back on her hands and knees, Jeff was amazed that he didn't let slip the moan that grew in his throat and--


He was an extremely experienced man, he'd been with countless women. He could control his damn libido.

Closing his eyes, he pressed the heels of his hands to them, counting to ten. When he re-opened them, he was in control again. His libido was still raging, but he had a firmer, tighter rein on it. It wasn't like he wasn't used to controlling himself around Annie.

For more than two years he'd done a mostly decent job of it.

He chose to blame his recent struggles with his libido on the Glee Club. Life, since then, had been considerably harder.

On an almost nightly basis, in fact.

His imagination was pretty thorough and complete when it came to those memories. And who could blame him? Annie was always beautiful, even with mascara tracks running down her face, or claiming she'd only kissed him to be cool like Britta. She'd still taken his breath away. And almost broken his nose. Twice.

It somehow made her more attractive, knowing that she could, and would, take care of herself and damn anyone who got in her way. Including him.

But he was willing to hurt Annie just as much as she hurt him. Not physically, but emotionally. He'd hurt her a lot. Lashing out, his therapist--and Britta--called it. And every time he lashed out and hurt Annie, he felt like he'd kicked a puppy.

A puppy owned by The Littlest Cancer Patient.

"Jeff!" Annie's voice hissed back at him through the tight sectioning of ductwork.

Blinking at her, he realized he'd zoned out at some point, because suddenly they were at a crossroads. Annie was kneeling ahead of him, looking over her shoulder. Irritation lined her mouth and eyes. She must've been trying to get his attention for a while.


She frowned, but gestured to the three different directions in front of her. "Which way?"

Listening for Chang, he tried to orient himself. One straight, one right, a left, and--

"Wing-er! Come out and play-yay!"

Rolling his eyes, Jeff wiped sweat from his forehead. It was warm in the vents. At least there was no monkey gas. "Up, toward the library."

She frowned and shook her head. "What? There's a fan, or a blower or something. I can't hear you."

Holding a finger to his lips, he crawled closer to her. "Library." He kept his voice low, just in case it traveled.

Annie shook her head again, frustration plain on her face. Wiping sweat from her own brow, she dramatically gestured to each tunnel, then shrugged.

"Wing-er! Come out--"

Jeff tuned Chang out as he reached Annie. Her skin was damp, glowing. "Beautiful," he murmured, ducking is head immediately after he realized what he'd said. Holy crap. What was wrong with him tonight? "Library," he said clearly.

"Which way is that?" Her voice was low, but loud enough to be heard over the blowers.

Jeff came up behind her, trying to see past, but the duct was too narrow for them to crawl side-by-side. Satisfaction and hunger battled in him at his thoughts. Obeying them, he pressed into her body to look beyond her.

He'd lain under her, held his body over hers, and been surrounded by her hugs and friendship, but he'd never purposely crawled behind her while she was on her hands and knees, never pressed his hips to her ass. Never done that and then leaned over her back, pretending it was the only way to be able to see down the vents.

She could've moved, but she didn't.

He could've pointed out the way without touching her, but he didn't.

He'd never felt the warmth of her body this... intimately. She went still. Then slowly turned her head to look back at him. The heat in her eyes matched his.

She shifted and they both sighed.

Licking his lips in the suddenly dry atmosphere, listening to the whump-whump-whump of the blowers, Jeff made a decision. He would not take advantage of--

She pressed back on him, rocking just a little. Enough to re-awaken his arousal, as if it'd ever really gone away. Decision reversed. Settling lower over her back, he quietly, but loudly enough for her to hear, told her to go left.

She shuddered.


But neither of them moved an inch along the vents. They did, however, move slowly with one another. Jeff let his eyes slip shut as his breath shuddered out.

"Left," he breathed, hand rising to curl around her stomach. He held her against him. "Then right."

"Right," she agreed, fingers curling around his. Her ponytail hung down over her right shoulder and he buried his nose in it. Inhaled.

Something heavy and solid formed in his stomach and chest at the scent. Familiar. Comfortable. It made images of him and Annie pop into his head. His apartment. His bedroom. His bed.

Wishful thinking.

Both of them were naked. Annie giggled breathlessly, while holding his head to her chest. He slowly, lazily, kissed his way down her chest to her stomach, teasing and tickling the entire way. Her fingers threaded into his hair, lightly tugging. A simple, easy smile curled her lips up.

"I love you."

The words echoed in Jeff's head, reverberating with every whump of the fan blades. He felt her under him, felt his body responding to the words. Felt...
...just felt. Like home.

I love you.

She rocked back against him, ass cheeks cradling his cock. And that suddenly broke him out of the foggy haze of lust. He sat back with effort, ignoring her disappointed whimper. As he did, he saw Chang's flashlight beam cut through the darkness around them.

"Go," he urged, pushing Annie forward.

She stared back at him dazedly.

"Chang!" he mouthed, tilting his head back toward the hallway they'd come from. Her eyes widened and she started crawling quickly forward.

She was making too much noise.


He hurried after her, not daring to breathe until after they rounded that corner and then the next one. They sat with their backs against the side wall.

I love you.

It rang in his ears and he jerked his head her way to see if she'd heard the words too. She didn't freak out or stare frightfully around them, so he forced himself to relax.

All right.

This was just one more thing for him to handle. His job kept him busy, his schoolwork kept him just this side of not-insane, and his personal life... well, lately, it consisted of sporadic one night stands.

Eyeing Annie, he wondered why he went through all of that when he could just give in and be with her. He wouldn't have to work so hard to avoid situations like this and the major stress involved in pretending he didn't lust after her would disappear.

Would she even want to be with him though?

I love you.

The words, whispered softly but with such conviction, sounded almost musical. Lyrical.

He wanted to hear them for real. But would she--

"Earth to Space Cadet Winger... come in, Winger."

Jeff blinked, jerking back a little at the sudden appearance of Annie's fingers in front of his face.

She giggled, showing no more signs from their erotic session than flushed skin and a slightly heavier than normal breathing pattern; both of which could be attributed to their adventure.

He caught her hand and held it for a second before releasing it. Her eyes were on his, brow furrowed, maybe sensing the change in him and wondering what it was.

"We should..." She pointed down the vent. "Jeff--" She licked her lips and tried again. "Jeff, how do you just turn it off?"

He blinked at her. "What do you mean? Turn what off?" He was pretty sure he knew what she was talking about and it wasn't the fans. After all, he'd led her to believe, over the years, over and over again, that she had little effect on him, though the opposite was actually true.

"Us. You. Your feelings. Your bo..." her eyes dropped to his lap, "...dy. Oh."

He chuckled, past being embarrassed. After tonight, things were going to be different between them, he just didn't know what shape it would take. Awkwardness? Embarrassment? Maybe an easy acceptance of their feelings? He was kind of hoping for that last one. "I don't know how to turn it off, Annie." He used his thumb to rub at a smudge of dirt on her cheekbone. "And I'm not even sure I want to anymore."

Her eyes softened, lips parting.

Two loud bangs echoed in the walls and they jumped apart guiltily. What the hell was there to feel guilty about?

"We should go."

Rolling his eyes at the entire situation, Jeff nodded. "We probably should, before Chang decides to come in after us."

"You think he knows we're in here? Wouldn't he have already come after us if he knew?" She headed off, following her own sense of direction now.


"Jeff!" Chang again, speak of the evil little troll doll. "You think I don't know you're here, but I do. I can smell you."



They hurried on, quietly, but quickly, trying to stay ahead of where they thought Chang might be. He started singing two turns in and by the time they made their fourth turn, he was butchering Aretha Franklin.

"Chang-Chang-Chang. Chang-Chang-Chang. Chang of tools. Vrrrrmmm."

Jeff's head drooped at the Light Saber sounds again. Chang was taking nerdiness to the next level.

Five more turns and they made to it the vents just around the corner from the library.

Annie rounded the last corner to the study room, then jerked back with a gasp, hands over her heart and mouth. "God," she muttered, closing her eyes in annoyance at herself. "He's out there." She darted a glance back around the corner. "Ah! He's in your chair!" She made as if to go after him, but Jeff pulled her back with a chuckle.

"It's... sweet that you want to defend my chair's honor, but after all of this, this entire night, I am not about to get caught because of a piece of furniture. And I won't let you get caught for it either."

"Right. Not getting caught. He's just got his stinky Chang-butt all over your chair. Not a big deal."

Jeff opened his mouth to tell her to screw that, because Chang was so dead, but Chang beat him to the punch. "Your chair's not so special, Winger. Just. Like. You."

There was a sudden crash and as Jeff and Annie peered around the corner, Chang's flashlight shone in the vents.

Annie gasped and tried to crawl away, but Jeff put his finger to her lips and glared at her, holding her still. She shook her head and shoved his finger away. Pointing down the vent, back the way they'd come, she started that way.

Jeff pushed her flat, keeping her there. He was not going to get caught! Neither of them were. Moving up to her ear, he whispered, "Just stay here."

She shook her head frantically, eyes wide under the-- oh. His hand was on her mouth. He dropped his hand to the vent floor beside her head.

"We should go back."

Leaning toward her ear again to counter that they shouldn't, he suddenly became aware of the fact that he was sprawled on top of Annie.


His mouth forgot how to formulate words, but his body didn't forget how to respond.

Annie was watching him silently.

It was with very little surprise that he felt her hand on the back of his neck, felt her knee raise and then settle over the backs of his legs. There was absolutely no surprise that, when he glanced down at her, lit in dimly reflected moonlight and fluorescents from the study room, he found himself saying what he was thinking.

"You're so beautiful, Annie." It was a whisper, barely recognizable as his own voice, torn from his throat with raw feeling.

But it wasn't just that though. It wasn't just physical beauty that he saw, it was Annie, all of her.

And when she kissed him, he felt only pleasure and arousal, not surprise. She was warm and soft and firm, tasting of sweat and dust and lip balm. He'd never tasted anything, never felt anything, never smelled anything better than the woman he had in his arms.

He moaned her name, which made her shudder, so he did it again. Feeling her melt underneath him, he kissed her harder, took more from each press of lips, each nip of teeth, each sweep of his tongue.

She moaned and it was the sexiest thing he'd ever heard. The insistence of his cock grew, straining against her. Rocking, he repositioned himself between her legs, hissing when he came to rest cradled between them.


"Ditto," she growled, hands clawing at his hair, hips rocking up.

Holy crap.

When had the gloves come off? He saw them lying discarded beside them, tossed aside. Her pale, white hands touched his face, then scraped down his back again. Everywhere he wanted her to touch, everywhere he craved her hands, they were there.

She was making it harder for his control to keep up, so he just stopped trying. He had Annie. Finally. Exactly how he'd wanted her for nearly three years. There was no way this would go slowly. Sliding his hand between them, between her legs, he rubbed her, shivering with pleasure at finding the material of her bodysuit damp. His other hand cupped her breast, finally feeling something he'd merely fantasized about.

Soft and firm.

It was when he pinched her nipple that he realized she was moaning loud enough to alert Chang to their position.

"Shh..." he groaned, wanting nothing more than to hear her moans for the rest of his life, even if that was all he ever heard again. "Chang."

Her eyes flew open and Jeff gasped. So blue and deep, filled with so much lust and need.

But... fuck!

"Next time, you can be as loud as you want, god, I beg of you to be as loud as you want, Annie. But Chang's still out there. And this thing isn't coming off easily," he lamented, pulling at the stretchy material before letting it snap back into place. His eager eyes watched it shape and reform over her chest.

"Maybe not," she breathed, "but we can still make it fun." Excitement flared in her eyes.

A bead of sweat ran down his temple.

Annie wrapped her other leg around his and pushed, trying to roll them over, but couldn't quite manage it in the small space, so he did it for her until she was on top of him, settling over his cock.

"Holy fuck, you feel good."

"What happened to your silver tongue?" she teased, looking pleased at his lack of control.

Nibbling on her ear, he husked out, "It's pouting because it doesn't have access to what it wants most right now." His finger curled up against her clit.

Her eyes closed, body shuddering over his. "Jeff, that's not--"

"Appropriate? Any way to talk to you?" He grinned, knowing neither of those things were what she meant.

"Funny," she stressed, leaning down to whisper the words directly into his ear, which shot directly to his cock. "You're a tease, because now all I can think about is your tongue." She licked a path from his ear to his jaw. "Licking. Lapping. Flicking. Sucking." She shifted over him, giving him some much needed friction. "And all I want to do is lick, lap, flick, and suck..." she paused, lips hovering over his, eyes intent, hot, on his, "your cock."

Jeff lost it; all semblance of his control fled. Hearing Annie say words like that during the D&D game was one thing. Although, that'd fueled a number of confusing fantasies as well, but hearing her say those words now, in this context... while she was riding him and barely wearing anything, was almost enough to make him come.

He sat up, taking her face in his hands. "Take it off." Her brow lowered for a split second before he explained, "This." He pulled and rubbed and caressed the stretchy fabric over her stomach, her legs, her chest. "I need you, Annie. I--"

He was having trouble breathing without panting.

"Oh, crap, I want to be inside you." He bucked up into her, holding her down so she felt how much he needed her. "Now," he added, breath shuddering out.

"Here? But it's--" She twisted to look around them and Jeff groaned, losing the last thread of his control. He wanted to tear at her bodysuit, but all he could do was roll them back over and grind into her like an oversexed teenager. He thrust on her again and again.

She keened, clawing at his back and shoulders, lifting her hips to meet every thrust. "Jeff," she moaned. "Make me come."

"Fuck, Annie. Fuck."

She reached down between them, brushing his erection with her fingers. Grunting, she shifted under him, moving around, this way and that.

Finally, panting she took his hand and led it to her--

"Holy. Crap." He felt her folds, hot and moist and swollen.

"There's an opening," she panted, arching under his eager fingers.

He stroked, rubbed, circled, caressed, and flicked her clit and folds, wanting nothing more than to get her off with his fingers right then.

Except maybe to use his mouth.

Or ffffffff-- fuck her? That didn't sound right. Make love to her?


He wanted to make love to her the way he'd been fantasizing about for almost three years. He'd lied to himself and pretended he hadn't wanted to, but he did. So much. Leaning down to kiss her hard, gratefully, he raised up, giving her own eager fingers better access to his jeans. She whimpered with so much lust in the back of her throat that it made his cock twitch and his hips buck.

Which made her make more noises.

Which made him react.

They were in an awesome circle of pleasure.

She licked her lips, leaning up to kiss him. "Now, will you fuck me?"

"God, yes." He was reduced to reactionary phrases, a place he'd only ever been once before, just before Christmas, with Annie. Diminishing returns? Maybe. But holy hell, he'd been so aroused that it'd only taken a little urging to get him to turn. Because he hadn't wanted her to know that she'd affected him so damn much.

Now, here he was, once again reduced to reactionary phrases and close to coming in his pants.

She tore open his jeans, freeing his cock while the jangle of his belt was still ringing in his ears. Relief sprang through him along with intense pleasure. "Now, I'll fuck you, Annie," he mumbled, spreading her legs and taking his cock in hand.

She thrust up as soon as he had the tip positioned, sliding him deep inside in one blissful movement.

Somewhere in the background, Jeff heard the thumping fans. Lower than that was Chang, rambling on and on. But all he felt was Annie. All he heard above the background noise was Annie's breathing and his own. His fingers were full of her, his cock inside her, and his mouth drawing in her breath.

She moaned thickly and Jeff went still.

He couldn't move. If he did, he'd come. It was as simple as that.

"Jeff," she whimpered, bucking into him.

"Annie-- fuck! Don't--" Too late. He began to move, thrusting into her hard and fast, no pace, no rhythm, no control. She tightened her legs around his, then moved them up around his ass, arching under him. Rising and falling and sliding and teasing. So much friction and pleasure and--

His body began to buck against hers and she moaned, long and low.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," he hissed, face flaming hot, veins filled with fire and honey.

Too soon.


Nails clutching him everywhere, she rode out his orgasm, slamming her hips against his, squeezing and clenching around him. He bucked and thrust and rocked, burying his cock deep inside her as he came and came, feeling like he'd never stop, though, in reality, it didn't last long enough to cover his embarrassment.

Warmth and pleasure met halfway, taking over every nerve ending and making him shudder.

Making his body go stiff as a board, pressed inside her.

It wasn't until he relaxed a minute later that he realized Annie was patiently waiting for him to recover.

Lifting his head, he kept his eyes on her chest as he began to rub her clit, desperately rub her clit, hoping to at least get her closer to coming before he went soft.


He hadn't embarrassed himself this much since he was 17 and came on Suzy Jenkins' leg, unable to actually get inside her before he was coming. She'd said it didn't matter, that she still wanted to go with him, but he'd been unable to get past it and dumped her a week later. He'd given himself the nickname Jerk-Off-Jeff to remind himself of that night every time he was faced with a woman and the pressure it entailed.

He hadn't had a screw up again until tonight.

Dropping his head to Annie's shoulder, ashamed and angry with himself, he continued to rub her, fingers moving quickly.

She cradled his face in her hands, lifting him so he was faced with his humiliation. "Jeff--"

"Don't," he ground out. "Just... don't."

Kissing him softly, she smiled against his mouth. "Not that I want it like this every time, but it's actually kind of flattering."

He scoffed, but she didn't blink or look away. "Yeah, real flattering having a guy come like and inexperienced teenager."

"Inexperienced teenager, or you wanting me so much that you couldn't control yourself? I choose to believe the latter."

Something grew in his chest, making it tight. "You're serious."


Feeling relief and tenderness rise in him, he tried out a small smile and it felt all right. Annie was nothing if not generous and his ego needed that right now. Kissing her softly, he raised up, slipping free. He continued to rub her, watching her face the entire time. Watching her control slip away, feeling her nails scrape and claw for purchase. Seeing her eyes steady on his as she bucked and rose and arched under his hand.

The words.

He wanted to hear the words.

"Jeff, I-- oh, god, faster, faster, please, Jeff! I need-- god!" She arched and stayed there, hovering for a moment, panting and gasping, words flowing from her lips along with sounds he could listen to for the rest of his life as ecstasy showed on her face. His name left her a few times, eyes desperate on his. Then a long shuddering sigh escaped her and she collapsed.

Her face was flushed red in the dim light, her hair wild about her face, and he was wild about her.

The words.

They were there, he could feel them.

Cradling her face in his hands, he pressed his lips to hers, forehead to hers, body to hers, flush with every inch of her that he could touch. Breathing her in, he felt his chest lighten.

The words were in the air between them.

"I love you."

So, he said them.

Chapter 4

sinecure: community, sinecure: community: cell phone caper, sinecure: community: big bang, sinecure

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