
Jul 14, 2006 17:44

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Comments 10

rickfan37 July 14 2006, 23:39:00 UTC

... )


eryn_ July 15 2006, 00:23:24 UTC
FunFur comes in white... or you could knit one in Dumbledore's signature eye-bleeding colors!.


mongoluehring July 15 2006, 00:43:05 UTC
I got a cross between Dumbles and Krum. Kind of an odd mix.


etherealizabeth July 16 2006, 02:22:26 UTC
so, you are krumbles?


mongoluehring July 16 2006, 13:02:14 UTC
Yes! Chock full of Krumbly goodness. That's me! :p


starbb July 16 2006, 01:46:24 UTC
Rock on! This is exactly what I needed to hear! I am in such a good mood now!

... )


etherealizabeth July 16 2006, 02:22:03 UTC
shags, this has nothing to do with HP, except that i am not feeling very gryffindor at the moment. didn't you have your tubes tied?? did it hurt???? i am scheduled to do this in 2 weeks, but i am almost ready to back out because i am just that scared. do you have anything reassuring to say?


shagsthedustmop July 19 2006, 06:10:11 UTC
I'm so sorry, I went way too long without checking this email account and only just saw this now ( ... )


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