Severus feels like a young man -

Jul 18, 2004 17:51

and wonders where he can get oneFor the first time in days Severus wakes feeling alright - as alright as a grumpy bastard who isn't getting laid and who has a chronic coffee addiction ever feels. He hasn't slept on the sofa, he hasn't drunk himself into a stupor, and he's eaten properly with the result that his back isn't hurting, his head isn't ( Read more... )

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Comments 35

beastofthepit July 18 2004, 10:45:56 UTC
Good morning!

Is that hot sausage I can smell?


shaggablesnape July 18 2004, 11:36:53 UTC
It is.

Can I tempt you to a hot sausage?

Or maybe more than one?


beastofthepit July 18 2004, 11:38:08 UTC
You certainly can, but I shall see to the chickens first I think.


shaggablesnape July 18 2004, 12:27:17 UTC
I'll have a couple of hot sausages waiting for you when you get back.

And if the hen's are generous, maybe we can have scrambled eggs as well. A hot sausage is all very well, but sometimes you need more.


purebloodsrule July 18 2004, 12:40:31 UTC
Morning... is that bacon?


beastofthepit July 18 2004, 13:07:06 UTC
Good morning Draco.

~brings in a basket full of eggs and washed them.~

How are you today?


purebloodsrule July 18 2004, 13:15:59 UTC
Fine, I suppose. Can't wait till the end of this week when we can get our wands back, though. I feel naked without it.

How are you doing?


beastofthepit July 18 2004, 13:21:17 UTC
I'm fine, thoroughly enjoying my holiday.

~Looks at the chores~

I see we need to change the bed linen.


radish_roses July 18 2004, 13:25:31 UTC
~Luna emerges from the shower, in her bathrobe, with a wet head. She yawns and heads for the kettle ...~

Morning, everyone ...


purebloodsrule July 18 2004, 13:37:57 UTC
Morning, Bubblehead.


beastofthepit July 18 2004, 13:39:09 UTC
Good morning.


shaggablesnape July 18 2004, 13:38:37 UTC
Severus has added more sausages to the frying pan as people come into the kitchen, and now they are ready.

I assume everyone is up for a hot sausage?


purebloodsrule July 18 2004, 13:39:26 UTC
~Draco snorts, then gets himself under control~

Yeah... yeah, that would be great.


shaggablesnape July 18 2004, 13:45:04 UTC
Have you got something to put the hot sausage in? like some bread or something, or do you want it just as it comes?


purebloodsrule July 18 2004, 13:46:30 UTC
~snorts again, unable to hold back a couple of coarse laughs~

I prefer to put my sausage in something, thanks...

~still snickering, Draco stands and gets some bread~

So, who else wants something to put their sausage in?


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