Title: The Last Time Lord
Story: 5 out of 15
Theme: Heart Shattered
Character: The Doctor
Rating: PG
Story for
writers30days Round 3 |
Full Table It was dark. Impossibly dark. The Doctor sat curled tightly in the corner, arms wrapped around himself, trying desperately to rid his mind of the images that gripped him. Flames. Everywhere he looked there were flames. Violent orange and red mixed with smoke. Burning, tearing, clawing. Everything he knew and loved engulfed.
He couldn't save them. Any of them. Friends, family, his people. Gone. He was the last. So very, very alone. Lost in a universe that now seemed impossibly endless. Impossibly empty.
A shiver rippled through his body. The room was filled with screams. Tormented sobs for forgiveness, echoing through the hollow darkness. His throat was raw, crying out in pain. It wasn't until then that he realized the screams were his own.
Gone. All of them gone. What had he done?