Fic: Fast Forward 1/1

Aug 26, 2008 03:01

Title: Fast Forward
Author: Jessi B.
Fandom: Eerie Indian
Rating: pg-13 (language and guys kissing)
Pairing: Dash/Simon
Summary: Even in Eerie life moves on and kids grow up.
Warnings: Guys kiss, a little language from Dash, slash
Notes: I felt terrible for Simon at times, his home life was kinda crap and his only friend is Marshall while Marshall seems to make friends easily enough. I just kind of wondered what would happen when Marshall went to college and Simon was left alone again. Then there’s Dash who has the terrible tragic story and is a little angry at the world.
This isn’t really fleshed out, not betaed but it was fun to write.


Simon Holmes parked his bike and picked up a still warm brown bag from the milk crate strapped on the back and hesitantly knocked at the door in an alley. The boy looked younger then his eighteen years and shaggy red hair needed a trim again. His jeans, tee shirt, and flannel shirt all were a size or more too big and the freckles didn’t help the ‘kid’ look. A small window opened in the steel door and then the door was thrown open.

“Hey, kid,” a hulk of man said. He was tattooed on almost every bit of skin showing and when he smiled there were fangs. “Come on in...”

The old warehouse had machinery and vehicles everywhere. A hearse was parked to the side, near it was a futuristic looking car, and by that was what looked like a station wagon.

“X! Your boyfriend’s here!” the guy from the door yelled. A gray haired young man in his early twenties flipped the guy off and closed the hood to a car he’d bent over in.

“Fuck off, Bill,” Dash said wiping his hands off and grinning at Simon’s blush. He was dressed in a black tee shirt, motorcycle boots, and oil stained jeans. “Not all of us can just grab someone outta the street when we want lunch...”

Dash nodded towards a door to the side that led to the break room and Simon followed. The garage was a little known secret of Eerie’s odder residents. ‘Lost Garage’ could fix anything and Dash had fit right in among the vampire owner, an alien, a wizard, and a werewolf (who could actually control himself). He got paid under the table, naturally, having no real name but he liked the work.

He washed up in the sink of the small break room while Simon put out boxes of Chinese take out at the dented and stained table. The chairs around the table were all just fixed, glued, etc or in need of it and the table was propped even with a copy of ‘Dracula’.

“Good night?” Dash asked as he dried his hands and sat down. Simon handed him chopsticks.

“Not bad,” Simon shrugged. “Dishes. A lot. One of Ms. Ling’s relatives was visiting and she made him help.”

“A snooty dragon knee deep in dishes?” Dash asked grinning. “Musta been loads of fun.”

“He’d never done them before,” Simon rolled his eyes. “Ms. Ling kept shaking her head. Apparently he did something and he’s in Eerie until his dad’s not pissed anymore and Ms. Ling...”

“Doesn’t think there’s such a thing as a free meal, yeah, why didn’t she put him out front?” Dash asked digging into the General Tso’s chicken.

“He kept mouthing off to the customers,” Simon sighed, shaking his head. “So then she tried putting him on the phone and he got snooty about the food that got ordered since it’s not real Chinese...”

“Jesus, one of those nights...”

“So she put him in the back until he learned manners,” Simon said absently. “I got to leave early because she figured he could use the practice...”

Dash laughed.

“Marshal’s in,” Simon said after a few minutes of comfortable silence.

“Yeah?” Dash said evenly, frowning at the rice he’d picked up.

“He wants to hang out sometime,” Simon said looking hopeful. “He called tonight on my phone...” The Teller family had given Simon the well used pre-paid cell a few year back.

“He always does,” Dash said stabbing the rice a little viciously.

“I told him I had work and stuff and...well, he’s still iffy about you sometimes.”

“Well, he’s Mr. Perfect. He doesn’t like a lot about me.”

“He just doesn’t know you,” Simon said looking away. “He...I don’t know, it was all easier when we were younger. Now Marshall’s still all about the weird but he’s not gonna be around Eerie forever. He’s going to go and become some researcher or something and I’m...”

“It’s not that easy for some of us...” Dash agreed looking across the table at the younger boy.

“Yeah, I just realized it’s my last summer, ya know? After this...I mean my parents probably won’t notice if I stay around. Harley is living with one of my aunts now so...I don’t know. Ms. Ling says she’ll put me on full time if I want. I don’t know what I want...” Simon said voice a little miserable. “Marshall’s gonna ask though.”

“Do you wanna go to college?”

“Not really, I just got out of school.”

“You like working at Ling's right?”

“Yeah, she’s nice and she lets me help cook sometimes...”

“There ya go, just go with it Simon, you don’t have decide now,” Dash pushed the empty boxes away. Simon smiled at him.

“I guess not, thanks, Dash.”

“You could split rent with me, ya know...” Dash said as he pulled his fortune cookie out and tossed the other to Simon. “It’s not a bad place, Bill’s a good land lord, and I got the old fold out...”

“Then everybody would really think we were dating...” Simon said, flushed.

“So?” Dash looked defensive as he tore the plastic off the cookie. “In Weirdville there are worse things.”

“Like being alone,” Simon said in agreement, voice soft. “Ok, I guess, I mean...I don’t have a ton of stuff so...”

“Think you can move it all on your bike?”

“In a few trips maybe...”

“Bill’d lend us a truck.”

“I don’t want to...”

“Bill likes you, he wouldn’t mind, you got that good guy look...most people don’t like me when they meet me, you they wanna feed and coddle.”

“Except for everyone in school and in my family,” Simon snorted breaking his cookie finally and popping one half in his mouth. “’You will find treasure in plain sight’.”

“’A risk will pay off’,” Dash read with a frown, crunching his own cookie.

“Wonder what that means...” Simon started as he swallowed the last of the cookie, eyes on the slip of paper.

“What the hell,” Dash muttered tossing the fortune down he stood and walked around to lean into Simon’s personal space. Simon’s eyes widened and he opened his mouth to ask what he’d done when Dash kissed him. It wasn’t a great kiss, their teeth bumped and Simon didn’t close his eyes, but it was nice.

“What...?” Simon squeaked.

“ don’t have to be alone, you know?” Dash muttered, looking at the floor.

“Oh...” Simon hesitated then pulled Dash down for a longer, better kiss. “You neither...”

Dash laughed and pressed his forehead against Simon’s.

“So are now?” Simon frowned.

“Depends, do you put out?” Dash asked with wicked grin.

“Dash!” blushing Simon pulled away. “Besides, I don’t know, I’ve never dated anyone. Maybe.”

“Good enough for me...” Dash was still smiling. “Go on, Boy Wonder, get home. I got four more hours here.”

“Ok, see you...tomorrow?”

“As long you bring food,” Dash said. “Be careful, tonight’s a full moon...”

“High weirdness levels, I know. Bye, Dash.”

“See ya, Simon...”

Simon waved at a six fingered, green skinned lizard like creature that was under round saucer like ship about the size of a speed boat as he went out. Z’na waved back and smiled. Bill let him out and told him to be careful.

As he put a leg over his bike Simon smiled slightly and touched his lips. Maybe staying in Eerie wasn’t such a bad idea.

dash/simon, eerie indiana, fanfic

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