Thanksgiving leftovers...

Dec 02, 2008 01:40

Hey all!

So, I haven't done bento posts in a bit and I decided to do a couple :]

This year for Thanksgiving I went to Nanny's and helped with the cooking. When means I got to season the turkey and peel things and such. It also means that I went in almost right after work (Thanksgiving = double pay) and napped after I put the turkey on.

I actually made the gravy this year! With actual turkey drippings! It was fun and I was very happy (and a wee bit surprised) that it turned out so well. Nanny said she was not at all surprised. I love my grandmother.

Right so, Friday I took Thanksgiving leftovers!

In my new container, aka the Ameribento, there's turkey and carrots (cooked with a bit of water, margarine, and almond(?) pancake syrup) on one side. A dollop of cold gravy on the turkey. Instant garlic mashed potatoes to the other side with baked stuffing also covered in gravy. Very healthy I know...It tasted great though!

Nanny gave me quite a bit of the breast meat, she was afraid it would go to waste at her house, and I made turkey quesadillas just last night with them and took miso soup for lunch. Yum, miso soup.

Anyway, tonight I decided to try turkey salad. Now, I'm not much for salad (tuna, chicken, turkey, etc) because I don't like mayo that much. At least not in large doses where I can taste it. Might just be mental but I looked up alternatives and someone, somewhere on the 'net suggested sour cream.

So, I made turkey salad with sour cream, green onions, avocado, parsley, and seasonings. I used taco seasonings (not used in quesadillas), garlic, onion, mixed pepper, salt, parsley flakes, and red pepper flakes. I tossed the cubed avocado with lemon juice to keep it from turning before putting it in with my onions and turkey. Then I mixed the sour cream in and seasoned until I thought it tasted right.

I know, it Actually I think it's kinda pretty. It's a nice light green and the flavors seemed to get better as it sat so we'll see at lunch in an hour or so. Its topped with sesame seeds and some more parsley flakes.

Full lunch! Clementines that I bought today to tuck into lunches and had one for breakfast, too. Beside them are some chocolate pieces from a giant Symphony chocolate bar I bought. Crackers and two rolls from Thanksgiving not seen.

I think if I do this recipe again I'd like to grate/chop some carrots in with maybe some pomegranate seeds. Ok, honestly I just want pomegranate, I chose the oranges and avocados (on sale) and skipped the pomegranates. Very sad. But I do think it would add some more color and texture and possibly a bit more flavor.

bento, cooking, me

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