Title: That Special Touch Written By: shadownyc Timeline: Autumn 2015 Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Some angst Beta: None at this time Summary: Sonny returns home with a sadness he can't imagine; can anything help?
Title: That Special Touch Written By: shadownyc Timeline: Autumn 2015 Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Some angst Beta: None at this time Summary: Sonny returns home with a sadness he can't imagine; can anything help?
Title: That Special Touch Written By: shadownyc Timeline: Autumn 2015 Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Some angst Beta: None at this time Summary: Sonny returns home with a sadness he can't imagine; can anything help?
Title: That Special Touch Written By: shadownyc Timeline: Autumn 2015 Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Some angst Beta: None at this time Summary: Sonny returns home with a sadness he can't imagine; can anything help?
Title: That Special Touch Written By: shadownyc Timeline: Autumn 2015 Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Some angst Beta: None at this time Summary: Sonny returns home with a sadness he can't imagine; can anything help?
Title: That Special Touch Written By: shadownyc Timeline: Autumn 2015 Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Some angst Beta: None at this time Summary: Sonny returns home with a sadness he can't imagine; can anything help?
Title: That Special Touch Written By: shadownyc Timeline: Autumn 2015 Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Some angst Beta: None at this time Summary: Sonny returns home with a sadness he can't imagine; can anything help?
Title: That Special Touch Written By: shadownyc Timeline: Autumn 2015 Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Some angst Beta: None at this time Summary: Sonny returns home with a sadness he can't imagine; can anything help?
Title: That Special Touch Written By: shadownyc Timeline: Autumn 2015 Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Some angst Beta: None at this time Summary: Sonny returns home with a sadness he can't imagine; can anything help?
Title: That Special Touch Written By: shadownyc Timeline: Autumn 2015 Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Some angst Beta: None at this time Summary: Sonny returns home with a sadness he can't imagine; can anything help?