Title: The Gus Diaries - Part 21 - The Dance
Written By:
shadownycTimeline: About 8 years post-513
Rating: PG-13 for language
Warnings: Some angst
Summary: The further adventures of Gus in his teens after he moves in with Brian and Justin and proceeds through high school.
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Comments 64
Gus does learn a great deal from Brian and Justin, once he confesses his needs, but like all teens he sometimes misinterprets first, as is in this case.
i felt that gus' reluctance to go to the dance was entangled with his fear about the bashing. justin's rehashing the ethan fiasco was a great vehicle to show gus the way to manhood as a gay man and i loved the following:
"But if you learn one thing from your dad and me, know that the only way to be the best man you can possibly be includes being yourself and being proud of who you are.”
some favorite dialog, happily reminiscent of the past:
“My own little stalker.”
“I prefer the ubiquitous Justin Taylor if you don’t mind.”
and this is jeff-fun:
“Well, what about “Grandmother Taylor”?
“That might work.”
You picked out some of my favorite pieces of dialogue from this installment. Those lines all made me react with either strong emotion or laughter as I envisioned them being delivered.
You always know just the points that are so important.
I really thought that as Justin recovered, Gus would have some situation take place that would trigger all the insecurities that were wrapped up in Justin's plight.
Adding the parallels and changes 14 years later was a fun adventure.
Of course, your version is, in all likelihood, closer to the truth.
I like how your mirroring events in Brian and Justin's life, but not doing it so it's a total repeat. It's interesting to see how events have changed from one generation to the next.
And, on a side note, LOL @ Gus for not realizing teh old people (read: the adults) might have Valentine's Day plans.
I wanted to reflect canon for Gus and Jeff, but with new twists to the story and very different outcomes.
I thought it would be fun to play a little with the adults and the fact that they actually might have romance in their lives. ;b
BTW--I'm almost finished with what you sent this evening...I hope you're warming up 20 & 21. LOL
I reject your reality and insert my own. LOL!
I actually remember George Carlin doing a stand-up routine back in the 80s where he said that everyone ought to have sex and children with everyone else so that the children would be so mixed racially and in a religious sense that there was nothing left for people to be pissed off about.
If I was a really negative person, I'd say that's probably the only way world peace would ever happen. :P
and the fact that they actually might have romance in their lives.
Children don't ever want to think about how they came to be because it hurts teh brain, yo.
I'm almost finished with what you sent this evening.
*blinks stupidly at screen*
For real? Like whoa. Totally. There were a lot of words and stuff in those chapters.
I finished 17, 18 & 19.
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