Stray thoughts [fic]

Oct 29, 2008 17:37

Title: Stray thoughts
Author: shadowbyrd
Rating: G
Pairing: Tosh/Kathy, Tosh/Mary
Word Count: 668
Summary: Just supposing during "Greeks bearing gifts", Jack had had a really interesting conversation with a Detective Inspector Swanson...

“Right,” the detective began, opening her notebook. “If I could have your name and address, please?”

“Hang on a minute -” It took a moment of awkward juggling for Tosh to remember that she was still holding the golf club. No wonder the mother had been so anxious about how long the police were taking. She set it down on the kitchen table and began rummaging in earnest for her clearance card.

oh, please don’t be trying to bribe your way out of this you look far too intelligent for it

Tosh’s bag slipped out her hands. She’d forgotten about the pendant too.

“God, sorry, hang on -”

“Madam, I just need your name and address.” surely you don’t need to go looking in your bag for that

Tosh crouched down, holding up a hand. “Sorry, just give me a second.”

on second thoughts, take your time

Tosh glanced up, then back, and, realising which top she’d worn today, adjusted the lapels of her jacket.


It was with no small amount of triumph and relief that Tosh finally located her clearance card and straightened, holding it out to the detective. She took it hesitantly and checked Tosh against her photo.

Torchwood figures that git Harkness always gets the pretty ones why would she be here can’t be officially involved with the family

“I see,” she said shortly, handing Tosh’s card back. “And if you don’t mind my asking, what exactly are you doing here, Miss Sato? Simple domestic. Seems a bit…run of the mill for you to be involved.”

Tosh shrugged, trying a smile. “I was just walking down the street, and this guy, he almost walked right into me.”

The detective’s mouth quirked. nice smile shame you can’t lie “And then?”

Tosh swallowed, trying not to look too self-conscious. “It was - I started to go after him, have a go, and that’s when I realised he was muttering to himself.”

hello The detective’s brows knitted together. “Muttering?”

“It sounded like ‘I’m going to kill them. I’m going to kill them, I won’t miss anything’.” Repeating his words, thinking what would have happened if she hadn’t overheard them, Tosh came over a little light headed.

The detective managed a smile in return. “Fortunate for these two he ran into you.”

you’re not telling me everything something you don’t want getting back to your boss maybe

“I suppose so,” said Tosh, smiling back weakly. The detective said nothing in return. Tosh’s smile faltered a little and she glanced around. “Will I have to answer anything more or -”

“We’ll contact you if we need you,” said the detective pleasantly.

one of Torchwood’s lot, her number should be in the records somewhere

She held out a hand. “Thank you again for your time, Miss Sato.”

“No problem,” said Tosh, taking her hand. “Sorry, I didn’t catch your name -?”

“Detective Kathy Swanson.”

“Nice to meet you, Detective Kathy Swanson,” said Tosh, kicking herself a moment later. You knew you were spending too much time around Jack when you started picking up his pick ups. “Ahem. Anyway. Good luck with it,” Tosh said over her shoulder as she started out.

“And you.”

Tosh stopped in her tracks and turned. “Pardon me?”

jumpy easy tiger

Swanson shrugged, failing to hide her amusement. “I don’t know, whatever top secret stuff you lot get up to. Just don’t go making a habit of this.” She held up the golf club. “Much appreciated and all, but nine times out of ten, we’ve got it covered.”

Tosh couldn’t think of anything to say to that, and so just smiled and nodded.

It was on her way out she heard, jumbled in with the PC guarding the scene’s musings over what to have for lunch;

wish I had a nice girl to come running to my rescue, even if she were Torchwood

Tosh didn’t stop and turn, but raised her eyebrows and carried on, checking her watch. She’d have plenty to tell Mary over lunch today.

A/N: Because even though there's no way I'm going to finish that Tosh/someone fic challenge I set myself, I'm going to try and do as many as I can. And because it's almost a year since I wrote anything with these as a main pairing. I can't tell you how guilty I feel that it's so small. Next time I write Tosh/Kathy I'm going to have to do something slightly epic.

Anyway, hope you liked it.

torchwood fic, toshiko sato/kathy swanson, spread the love, fic, torchwood

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