NCIS Drabble

May 16, 2008 16:17

Title: Sight, and thoughts thereof
Author: Shadow-Spires
Fandom: NCIS
Rating: PG
Prompt: Sight
Warnings: none
Summery: Tony never really thought about his sight.
AN: Unbetaed Drabble

Tony had never really thought about his sight. )

genre: drabble, fandom: ncis, rating: pg, fanfiction, series: six sences, character: tony dinozzo, character: leroy jethro gibbs

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Comments 12

adafrog May 17 2008, 03:22:52 UTC
Lovely, thanks.


shadow_spire May 20 2008, 06:04:48 UTC
Thank you! :)


janedavitt May 17 2008, 04:09:44 UTC
Oh, that's excellent and so very in character for Tony to feel that way (well, don't we all? ::g::)


shadow_spire May 20 2008, 06:05:59 UTC
OH! I'm so happy you liked it! I wasn't sure I had managed to get accross what I wanted to.


gibozzo May 17 2008, 04:31:49 UTC

Loved it.

It reminded me a little of SWAK. If Gibbs says that Tony isn't going to die, then Tony isn't going to die.

You should post this at slashthedrabble.


shadow_spire May 20 2008, 06:07:32 UTC
Wheeee! So happy you liked it!

I had SWAK in mind as I was writing this; of course, what Gibbs says, goes.

I might just post it there, thanks for the recomendation.


byrons_brain May 18 2008, 09:49:20 UTC
hehehee great stuff!


shadow_spire May 20 2008, 06:07:52 UTC
Thank you!


nienna_surion18 May 19 2008, 04:05:45 UTC
Wow, this a really good idea for a story you should run with it. I'm serious. It could be a really cute fic. I'd read it ^_^
I do like this how it is though, no offense meant, I'm just saying... ^_^


shadow_spire May 20 2008, 06:10:41 UTC
Thank you!

I hadn't really considered making this a longer fic, but now the bunnies are nibbling, damn you!

Heee, joking, I like nibbling bunnies!

It might get longer, but first I want to get the NCIS/BtVS fic I'm working on off the ground.

By the way, I absolutly adore your icon!


nienna_surion18 May 20 2008, 18:11:23 UTC
Muahahaha!!! You're welcome for the nibbling bunnies. ^_^

Ooooo! NCIS/BtVS story? Really? What's the summary for that? If you don't mind my asking. ^_^


shadow_spire June 27 2008, 06:20:45 UTC
I don't mind you asking (even though it took me forever to respond), and it may actually turn into like, three different stories, cause I think I must be slightly skitzo, cause I can't make up my mind where to go with it. It all started with some weird idea of wondering how Tony would react to real vampires, with his fear of them, then snowballed from there. The only thing I have written so far is a back-from-Africa Xander taking the rest of the team by storm when he shows up at the office to get help from Tony with a problem in DC. Of course, being the slash fan that I am, it's probably going to eventually be Gibbs/Dinozzo, but with a healthy dash of Tony/Xander in the mix, ohh, it might even turn into a Threesome of the Gibbs/Tony/Xander variety, seeing as I've already got a drabble to that effect in the final stages of revision...hummm, well regardless, it's bound to be interesting.


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