Title: Sight, and thoughts thereof
Author: Shadow-Spires
Fandom: NCIS
Rating: PG
Prompt: Sight
Warnings: none
Summery: Tony never really thought about his sight.
AN: Unbetaed Drabble
Tony never really thought about his sight.
Utilized it to be a better cop and investigator; used it to appreciate the female form and a certain blue-eyed, silver haired male form; but never really thought about it.
Then there was a horrible searing flash; shards of glass impacting his face.
The doctors wanted to wait until the bandages came off to give a prognosis. That sounded bad to Tony. Would he see again? What would happen to him now? What-
Tony jumped, then settled; relieved; not so apprehensive.
Everything was going to be alright. Gibbs wouldn’t allow anything else.