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Comments 32

crys_tenkari January 12 2010, 02:35:59 UTC

You may be the one to make me ship Syaoron/Yuui, you know.


shadow_of_egypt January 12 2010, 02:41:00 UTC
*will make it her mission in life, right up there beside making you write fanfic again* X3


oozaru_angel January 12 2010, 12:28:03 UTC
♥ I love it!


shadow_of_egypt January 13 2010, 19:01:01 UTC
;w; *is glad, but still wishes it could be better*


waders January 13 2010, 17:58:06 UTC
Asjdflsduhflhuqdsf !!!
*will come back*


waders January 13 2010, 18:06:30 UTC
So. Now for a real comment.
This was fun, because I was reading my f-list and saw that you posted. Then I saw SY and yelled to a friend. And then I saw it was for me xD
I totally love it you know. What is really your first time on Horitsuba AND Syaoron ?
And I agree with your note, I love the age difference, student/teacher and more. And this is legendary, uhu~

Thank you thank you than you~ ♥
I can't believe I won this only with a pitiful drawing D:


waders January 13 2010, 18:17:38 UTC
Syaoron reached Yuui's cheek. I wonder how.

Okay I'm leaving.


shadow_of_egypt January 13 2010, 19:00:15 UTC
Someone Sakura/Syaoran's height could feasibly kiss someone Fai/Yuui's height if they stood on the tips of their feet, or if the taller party were leaning down a little. X3

And pfff, I'm just glad you like it. You really did make me 'eee' like there was no tomorrow with your picture, and it kick-started me into poking that fic again. ;;; I'm glad I could repay you somehow. ^^

...And yes - it's my first time writing in the Horitsuba verse (I hardly believe it myself), and the first using Syaoron. Hence why his 'voice' in the piece may be a little off; I still need to come to grips with him, I think.


akitochiaki January 13 2010, 19:12:04 UTC
I... You don't even know me, probably, and I might look like a mad stalker or something.

This is love! <3
SY is my one true pairing and the fic was so cute! Shaoron was pretty IC (maybe a bit too... Sweet? But that might be because I'm used to see him in angsty scenarios.) and Yuui was just... adorable.
I'd love to see more from you! <3


shadow_of_egypt January 13 2010, 19:23:22 UTC
I know of you? *laughs* The internet is a small place, and I've seen you commenting to waders before when I stalked her. Its a pleasure to meet you. ^^

Mm, I can't say I've ever seen an angsty Syaoron - the fics with him are few, and the RPs that I followed with him in had him all flirtatious charm. S'a pity; I think I'd like to see that facet of him as a character. Ah, fandom, feed the poor SY-shipping souls...


akitochiaki January 13 2010, 19:39:20 UTC
I RP Shaoron a lot with a friend (only in italian, though) and we have some pretty dark scenarios. So Ron is often moody...
I love happy settings best, though XD

Yeah, fandom needs more SY!


akitochiaki January 13 2010, 19:41:23 UTC
Uhhh, I meant- I play Yuui and my friend plays Ron.


neera_pendragon January 15 2010, 22:52:32 UTC
“There’s an age restriction on turkey-stuffing, sensei?”
Oh, this is pure Ron-sarcasm. ♥___♥

Another Stalker, yay! *lol*
Weeeh, I'm I-Ron, F-Ron (aka waders) clone! XD
I'm also akitochiaki's Shaoron in a RPG and her italian source of sy fanfic. *laughs*
I read you around the net, I must have read also some of your fanfictions but I really don't remember if this is my first comment to you. Well, I started with a sy fanfic, typical.
Your first time with Horitsuba+Ron is absolutely good ( hahaha, I'm ambiguous)!!!
I really love the way you describe the little/big problem of the age difference. Well, now we have another information about Yuui: he's a turkey. X°D
Awww, and I love you for the final decorated with a bit of angst!
♥ ♥ ♥ *add to the f-list*


neera_pendragon January 15 2010, 22:58:01 UTC
plus, I was interested to take Syaoron in Kiseki, do you really have Yuui?


shadow_of_egypt January 16 2010, 00:25:20 UTC
A pleasure to meet you too. *laughs and bows* I think this is my first time talking to you, but my memory really is like a fish. ;;;

*adds you to her f-list back?*

I really do have Yuui-sensei in Kiseki. ^^ Everyone's busy recovering from a murder event there right now - and Fai-sensei (alongside others)ended up dead in it for a while, so there is a lot of 'baaaw'ing going on all around.


neera_pendragon January 16 2010, 01:00:29 UTC
Well, we'll take this as our first conscious time "chat" *laughs* My memory is like Sakura's one, not in this dimension =P

*giggles and thanks*

Uh! A murder! Maybe is Syaoran!Clone in mad-mode. Hahaha, if I pick up Shaoron I could enter baaawing too X°D


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