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akitochiaki January 13 2010, 19:12:04 UTC
I... You don't even know me, probably, and I might look like a mad stalker or something.

This is love! <3
SY is my one true pairing and the fic was so cute! Shaoron was pretty IC (maybe a bit too... Sweet? But that might be because I'm used to see him in angsty scenarios.) and Yuui was just... adorable.
I'd love to see more from you! <3


shadow_of_egypt January 13 2010, 19:23:22 UTC
I know of you? *laughs* The internet is a small place, and I've seen you commenting to waders before when I stalked her. Its a pleasure to meet you. ^^

Mm, I can't say I've ever seen an angsty Syaoron - the fics with him are few, and the RPs that I followed with him in had him all flirtatious charm. S'a pity; I think I'd like to see that facet of him as a character. Ah, fandom, feed the poor SY-shipping souls...


akitochiaki January 13 2010, 19:39:20 UTC
I RP Shaoron a lot with a friend (only in italian, though) and we have some pretty dark scenarios. So Ron is often moody...
I love happy settings best, though XD

Yeah, fandom needs more SY!


akitochiaki January 13 2010, 19:41:23 UTC
Uhhh, I meant- I play Yuui and my friend plays Ron.


shadow_of_egypt January 13 2010, 19:44:02 UTC
I play Yuui-sensei in Kiseki - alas, I have no Syaoron right now. *has to make do with making various versions of Fai go 'baaw'* ;;;


akitochiaki January 13 2010, 19:44:51 UTC
Ahahah, if I wasn't so bad at playing semes I'd come xD


shadow_of_egypt January 13 2010, 19:52:18 UTC
*likes playing it so that seme/uke roles aren't so defined* It's fun to have a switch - wiriting CLAMP stuff has beaten the urge to say 'he's an uke', 'he's seme' out of me for some reason. It's probably all the love dodecahedrons in the multiverse; the roles in relationships are always shifting.


akitochiaki January 13 2010, 19:55:50 UTC
Ahah... I feel like that too. I'm talking about "physical" seme and uke here: the Yuui in my mind is far too delicate to top, really. XD As in "mental" situation... Ron is usually the one in charge, in our RPs, but there are moments in which Yuui takes the lead. It's strange like that... Baybe it's more that I'm not at all used to play Ron. He's a complicated person, seme issue aside. XD


shadow_of_egypt January 13 2010, 20:05:49 UTC
...I could see 'Ron topping at the start of a relationship as a way of asserting that it is Yuui he wants and is attracted to, but...I don't know. I think it would even out over time between the two of them. At the end of the day, for me, Yuui is a Fluorite, and...there's a sort of assurance there? He needs a personality to counter Fai's, and if he's too accepting there's the danger of having him overwhelmed by the strong personalities of Horitsuba.
And...eh, all of Holic/TRC are complicated. T_T Strong and weak and all bundled up daintily with a pretty face.


akitochiaki January 13 2010, 20:11:31 UTC
Precisely because he has to counter Fay, I see Yuui as a more calm, mature person. He can be assertive if he wants- in my mind he's a kind of "control freak", wanting to have some sort of supervision over his own behaviour. It may be because of the backstory I gave him in our Horitsuba RP (growing up separated from Fay with an adoptive family, in Italy), but I end up playing him as someone reserved and strict in relation to himself (but more lenient with others)- and he ends up finding someone he can really be himself with in Ron. Of course, it's just my characterization XD he's a really secondary character in canon, so anyone can see him in a different way XD


neera_pendragon January 15 2010, 22:56:20 UTC
Oh, men, I-Yuui, stop the lesson pleeeease *laughs*


akitochiaki January 15 2010, 23:12:48 UTC
XDDDD oh come on, let me be loquacious! I haven't played him for too long and I have cravings. Your fault =PPPPP


neera_pendragon January 15 2010, 23:44:37 UTC
My fault and my fun ♥


waders January 13 2010, 19:44:38 UTC
... You stalked me ?


shadow_of_egypt January 13 2010, 19:48:50 UTC
....Really, really obviously?


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