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Comments 38

youkohiei_fan September 8 2009, 19:33:03 UTC
>w< Oh, Kurogane's two pages...how I'll fangirl over it...

But anwyays, now that FWR is dead (?) that means that we know have to deal with whatever FWR did to the Syaorans. >.> I just hope its not just both of them talking for several chapters...

Hmm...with the way CLAMP just throws curve balls left and right we might even get to see how all of this started. Which would almost make up for not getting to see Kurogane and Fai after Kurogane grabbed Fai. I want to believe they were making love declarations myself. XD


shadow_of_egypt September 8 2009, 19:39:09 UTC
...I think there was a panel before we cut to the Sakuras wailing about the Syaorans. Fai and Kurogane were looking up at the big swirly blackness and looking pretty small. ('Alright - WE killed the bad guy, YOU four deal with this whilst we float around in a parental fashion looking concerned.')
Though I have nothing against the love declarations.


youkohiei_fan September 8 2009, 19:41:03 UTC
I'll be happy just as long as its not like it was about five chapters ago, with just Sakura and Syaoran confusing everyone with time loops.


shadow_of_egypt September 8 2009, 19:42:55 UTC
...Personally, I'd like to see CLAMP do a little aside for a few chapters as they attempt to explain what would happen if someone/something doesn't magically come through and save the day. Honestly. Because I don't even think the manga-ka themselves could make sense of this jumble anymore. X3


youkohiei_fan September 8 2009, 19:44:33 UTC
lol Yes, that explanation would be something to behold. Especially if it didn't end up just confusing all of us even more.


shadow_of_egypt September 8 2009, 19:45:55 UTC
Mokona is the only one who we can trust to explain things clearly. *sage nod* Mostly because she's as confused as we are.


youkohiei_fan September 8 2009, 19:48:01 UTC
Her saying 'What's going on?!' and looking just as confused as we are comes to mind.

CLAMP should just have a few chapters with Mokona showing us charts and diagrams explaining things. It would be much easier.


shadow_of_egypt September 8 2009, 19:49:43 UTC
And Sorata's hand-puppets. Just because Kuro-pyu loved them so~


youkohiei_fan September 8 2009, 20:01:45 UTC
XD Yes, that would help everyone. He did love that puppet.


shadow_of_egypt September 8 2009, 20:03:36 UTC
Kurogane x Sorata's handpuppet = new OTP ♥


Random beccabear93 September 15 2009, 17:10:28 UTC
Hey, sorry, couldn't help but leave a comment... I don't understand anything that's going on with Asschin, Clow, Yuuko, or Syaoran, so I can't really say much on that note, but...

Fai and Kuro BOTH killed FWR :) If you look at that page again, Kuro's sword & Fai's magic go through him at the same time... Oh, and thanks SOO much for pointing out that cute bit of KuroFai... I somehow missed it when I read chapter 230 the first time, and I've been dying from lack of KuroFai for the last...What, 30 chapters or so?

As far as everything with xxxHolic, all I have to say is... That I really need to catch up on reading that O.o


Re: Random shadow_of_egypt September 15 2009, 18:02:29 UTC
...I'd try and explain, but I don't think I can fit an essay in a comment. ^_~

I recall Fai's magic, now that you mention it. *assumed it was just Fai strengthening Kurogane's blade/path at the time* Whichever it is I'm not saying they didn't take him down together - just that it was Kuro-pon who had his badass moment. X3
...The Kurofai moments are tiny, but they're there in those chapters. (Well, in the chapters that aren't about the clones.) There is a surprising amount of Fai-clutching, and the dragon and phoenix attacks are everywhere~♥


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