Aug 26, 2012 01:59
Wow, I missed 2011 entirely. Fascinating.
Apr 23, 2010 21:46
*bursts up from below, where you least expect it* It's 2010. *sinks back into the depth of anonymity*
Sep 27, 2009 22:46
Mmmm, time for my annual make-this-journal-not-dead post.
Aug 06, 2008 09:38
This entry is here because the words "Last updated 133 weeks ago" make me a sad panda. 133 weeks is more than a year. In fact, it's more than two. Ouch. D:
Here's looking at you, journal. Here's looking at you.
Jan 14, 2006 16:20
Don't we all love online journals?
Currently sitting at the computer trying to fix my iPod. Needless to say, it's not going as I planned. Revenge of the technology-challeged!
I'm glad it's a three-day weekend; Finals are soon.