Title: Decisions
Claim: Vin Tanner (Magnificent 7)
Fandoms: Magnificent 7/Harry Potter
Prompt: 087 - Choice
Summary: A generic 'Vin gets Sorted' cliche.
Table “Tanner, Kevin,” the stern professor called. McGonagall, Vin thought, but he’d had so much come at him today that he wasn’t sure. He stepped up to the stool and scanned the Great Hall automatically. He caught a closed-off green-eyed gaze at the Gryffindor table that he seemed somehow to recognise, though he wasn’t sure how, before the hat slipped over his eyes.
Hmm, a voice said in his mind, you are going to be difficult.
Vin was decidedly uncomfortable with the fact that the hat could see into his mind. He had a lot of things, though he'd hesitate to call them secrets, that he doesn’t want everyone to know. They don’t need to know and he’d just as well keep them in the dark.
Secretive, the hat mused thoughtfully. Vin glared ineffectually.
Wanting to keep what’s private private ain’t secretive, it’s just common sense, Vin thought at the hat.
Fine, the hat conceded sullenly. Prudent use of common sense, practical and hard working. You’d do well in Hufflepuff if you didn’t have a dark streak.
Vin shrugged. He didn’t really care where he ended up as long as he’d be left to his devices.
Ravenclaw, perhaps, the hat suggested. You’re certainly intelligent, though I don’t suppose it’s the kind gained from books. Well, that and your mischievous streak would get you in trouble your first day.
Book learning ain’t my thing, anyway. I prefer being practical, Vin thought.
Well then, that leaves Slytherin and Gryffindor. You’re brave without being too reckless and good at going undetected without being deceitful. I suppose the choice is yours.
Vin knew that Gryffindor was perhaps a little too boisterous for his tastes, especially when he felt a little claustrophobic with all those people and only wanted to get away. Slytherin would let him get away somewhere without too much concern when it all got to be a bit much. Vin thought once more of those green eyes and hesitated.
Gryffindor, he thought finally.