Fic: Corollary

May 14, 2006 13:03

Title: Corollary
Summary: Dean has a secret where someone died too. Dark Angel/Supernatural xover.
Spoilers: Dark Angel - Berrisford Agenda, Supernatural - Bloody Mary.
Disclaimer: I don't own either Dark Angel or Supernatural, the pretty belongs to its respective owners.
AN: This is sort of a prequel to a longer DA/SN fic I've got in the works.


Dean leapt forward and smashed the mirror where Sam’s own reflection was killing him. Even as the shards tinkled as they fell Dean was already kneeling next to Sam.

“Sammy. Sammy,” Dean said urgently, trying to rouse his brother, trying to determine if he was alright.

“It’s Sam.”

Dean released the breath he’d been holding in relief.

“God, are you okay?” he asked as he looked Sam over.

“I’m alright,” Sam lied.

“Come on, come on,” Dean urged, because even if the mirror was broken he wanted to get out of there. He needed to get Sam somewhere safe so that he could look him over and make sure that there wouldn’t be any lasting damage.

Dean helped Sam to his feet. He draped Sam’s arm around his shoulders to make it easier to assist him. They had only gone a few steps when Dean heard the ominous sound of glass crunching. He turned slowly to see the spirit of Mary, out of the mirror, and walking steadily towards them.

Dean fell to his knees as pain stabbed through his head, emanating from his eyes. He was vaguely aware of Sam falling beside him. It was then that Dean felt the warm, sticky trickle of blood running down his cheeks.

Dean saw Rachel. Rachel who played piano. Rachel who smiled so beautifully, who simply shone with goodness. Rachel who enticed him into swimming when he should have been focussed on the mission. Sweet, innocent Rachel who broke him so easily with three small words. “I love you.” Rachel who sacrificed herself to save her father. Rachel who would never play piano again, would never smile, would never swim again. Would never tell him she loved him again.

With every last bit of his strength, born of pain and rage, Dean grabbed the nearest mirror and held it to Bloody Mary. He was aware of the spirit talking, but it took too much concentration to follow her conversation, and then she literally fell to pieces. Shards of glass scattered across the floor. Dean threw the mirror he held to the ground where it too shattered and he collapsed to the floor again.

He pushed memories of Rachel back to the far reaches of his mind. Where he wouldn’t have to think about how Manticore ordered him to get close to her. About how he built the bomb from scratch. About how he placed it under the car, and about how Rachel ran to save her father. He especially wouldn’t have to think about how he loved her.

“Hey Sam,” he managed finally.


“That’s got to be like… what, six hundred years bad luck?”

Sam chuckled weakly in response.

dark angel, before the dawn, supernatural, xover, fic

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