Title: Fractured
Summary: Missouri thinks Dean is fractured
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or the pretty. It all belongs to Erik Kripke.
Spoilers: Home
Missouri can tell from the first moment she sees Dean (and she’s sensed it long before) that he’s close to falling apart. She thinks he’s like a shattered mirror. The pieces have been (painstakingly) reassembled, but the reflection isn’t the same, (won’t ever be again). There are too many cracks. She knows that Dean (thinks he) doesn’t need anyone, but Sam’s the only thing keeping him intact. Sam makes sure (even if he doesn’t realise it) that all those (razor sharp) edges don’t cut flesh and don’t bring blood welling to the surface. Though if Dean lost Sam she doesn't know who he'd hurt more (himself or others). She wonders how many more knocks Dean can take (before not even Sam can keep him together).