Title: The Shortest Distance Between Two People Author: riko Summary: In which Sirius learns that growing up isn't nearly as easy as it sounds. Rating: PG-13 Recipient: rian219 Notes: This one's for you, Rian! I hope it pleases.
These are like pages of some secret book JKR has tucked away somewhere, detailing the history of the Marauders, and in this case Remus/Sirius in particular. Oh, this is easily one of my favorite pieces of fanfiction, and not just for this particular Exchange.
Just. I feel you deserve a much longer review, but I'm concise to a fault. But really, wow. Amazingly good job. J'adore.
I love this story and want to have its babies. Seriously. Wow. I love young!Sirius, and the fact that things aren't always easy for him, and the way Remus deals with the aftermath of the Prank, and really everything.
Oh, I like this. Your Sirius feels entirely plausible to me, and I love his trajectory through Hogwarts. And his relationship with Remus, too, is just right.
"The world is not coming to an end," says James later that night when he, Peter, and Sirius have snuck away to work on That Thing that Remus Can't Know About.
"Well of course you don't think it is," retorts Sirius. "If you realised the world was coming to an end, you wouldn't fancy Evans and then, ipso facto, the world wouldn't be coming to an end, you see?"
"You don't ever actually make sense, did you know that?" says James...
Oh, that's the most unutterably perfect dialogue ever. I love this whole fic, from start to finish. I would squee at you, but there just aren't squees enough to do it justice. Fabulous!
Comments 62
Just. I feel you deserve a much longer review, but I'm concise to a fault. But really, wow. Amazingly good job. J'adore.
"Well of course you don't think it is," retorts Sirius. "If you realised the world was coming to an end, you wouldn't fancy Evans and then, ipso facto,
the world wouldn't be coming to an end, you see?"
"You don't ever actually make sense, did you know that?" says James...
Oh, that's the most unutterably perfect dialogue ever. I love this whole fic, from start to finish. I would squee at you, but there just aren't squees enough to do it justice. Fabulous!
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