
May 10, 2014 22:52

Mom bit Bree today. I couldn't believe it. Mom wouldn't let go of Bree's arm and when Bree pulled her arm away, Mom bit her and broke her skin. I wanted to grab Mom and drag her away from but I instinctively knew that's exactly what she wanted, a physical confrontation. Instead I took pictures and Mom immediately released Bree and screamed that ( Read more... )

malignant narcissism

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Comments 6

anonymous May 11 2014, 22:09:15 UTC
Does Bree have an Adult Protective caseworker? It sounds like she needs one. Would she even consider pressing charges for Assault?
Enilina? You can't keep doing this to yourself: You won't have any "self" left. You have a life and even if your professional title was "Bouncer" you still need one to protect you: Your mother's "life" is a loaded gun in the hands of a two yr. old with an endless supply of ammo.


shabenanizer May 12 2014, 01:33:21 UTC
I thought about asking Bree to press charges. Didn't though. I'm heading back to Indiana in July to talk to a lawyer. Mom's biting Bree tells me she is desperate. Desperate of what, though? Desperate of losing her victims? Her caregivings? Her sources? She has enough money to live on her own for the next 20 years (she's 72 years old). Don't know why she's so hot to move close to me and Bree unless to cause conflict and drama on us. Yeah, I can't keep doing this to myself which is why I want to see if my old lawyer can advise me. Thanks for commenting, I've always appreciate your wisdom, TW.


anonymous May 12 2014, 05:12:37 UTC
Ohhh, I have NO doubt that's exactly why she's moving closer: She's a Predator/Parasite and the operative word is "inflict" herself on you as well as causing "conflict ( ... )


shabenanizer May 12 2014, 12:55:32 UTC
Thank you Tundra Woman about APS, I almost forgotten about APS because I'm so used to their services for legally incompetent adults (like my autistic sister) that I forget it applies to legally competent adults as well. I could see Mom causing all sorts of drama to see if we come running. When I ditched my mom and moved to Washington DC, in the first week I got 4 phone calls from 4 different people about her, one case she called the police claiming a 65 yrs old neighbor lady was threatening her ( ... )


anonymous May 12 2014, 18:11:10 UTC
"They need victims." Pretty much, but I'd rephrase that somewhat to say, "They need someone to victimize or predate upon." I'm tellin' ya, this is THE most Self-Preserving cohort group I've ever encountered. (My "mother" is not by any stretch the only Cluster B I've tangled with in my life.) I'm also not surprised by all the phone calls you received when you moved-you were being "punished" for escaping her geographical grasp. Mine lost her "phone privileges" when I received a full scholarship to a prestigious Uni several states away. (I didn't get in there because I was so smart-it was only because I worked my butt off.) I well remember the *first* behavioral step I took to limit contact and it was a bold-faced LIE. Yes, I lied to my "mother." This was huge for me and the guilt was just about overwhelming-but not enough to coerce me to give her my phone number. Reducing her contact to snail mail only was so enlightening: I was able to read her avalanches of snail mail at my leisure, clearly see the tactics, the increasing demands (and ( ... )


shabenanizer May 13 2014, 17:06:40 UTC
You're amazing Tundra Woman, and I hope to get to where you are sooner than later. You're right that these NPDs are great survivalists and even greater at self preservation. Sacrifice one self for family or for the greater good never enter their thought, but instead we are the ones who much sacrifice everything for them and still it will never be enough. I stopped worrying about Mom about 5 years ago even as her eye sight took a sudden turn for the worse, because I never trust that her eyes are as bad as she claims post surgery (she was able to chase me through Bree's back yard just fine ( ... )


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