Fic: Aleatoric Life 18/25: Pausa

Sep 27, 2006 09:15

Title: Aleatoric Life 18: Pausa
Author: SGAtlantisLight
Characters: McKay, Sheppard, Beckett, Lorne, Zelenka, Dex, Kusanagi
Relationships: Beckett/McKay/Sheppard, Dex/Zelenka, Lorne/Parrish if you want to read it that way
Rating: PG-13, though the series as a whole is NC-17
Warnings: Mention of non-con, language, food porn.
Spoilers: None this part
Summary: They had rescued him, but they had yet to truly bring him safely home. Part of the Aleatoric Life series.
Disclaimer: Undoubtedly I own them, and a whole lot of other things, in some universe, but not this one.

John lay on the bed wearing a loopy smile and nothing else. Rodney and Carson had just headed out to the cafeteria to get food to bring back to the apartment. He felt decadent, lying naked in bed in the middle of the day after having spent the morning with his lovers.

There was a knock at the apartment door.

"Hold on a minute!" he yelled, rolling out of bed and glancing around for his clothes. Ah, right. His clothes from earlier, as well as Rodney's and Carson's, were scattered all over the living room. Swearing, he dashed into the living room and grabbed up the sweats he'd been wearing and struggled into them, then kicked the rest of their clothes under the couch.

Lorne was standing at the door when he finally opened it. Lorne's eyes flicked down and took in John's naked torso and then returned to John's face, his expression carefully neutral. "Colonel."


"Sir. I was wondering if I might have a brief word with you."

"Yeah, sure. Come in." John stepped back from the door.

Lorne very carefully avoided looking at the pair of Saltire boxers draped over the armrest of the couch that John had somehow missed. The major settled in the easy chair and John took a seat on the couch on the other end from the boxers.

"What can I do for you, Major?"

His X.O. considered his hands for a moment, then spoke. "I understand Doctor Parrish is being sent back to Earth on the next Daedalus trip.

"That's not exactly my area," John said, "but I believe that may be the case from what Doctor McKay has said, yes."

"I was wondering if I might appeal to you to intercede on Doctor Parrish's behalf with Doctor McKay."

"On what grounds, Major?"

"He's very good at what he does, sir, and I doubt you fully appreciate the extent of his contribution to our trade standings and food supplies."

John considered the man before him. "I believe it was his trading for food supplies that got him into this mess in the first place."

"He's an integral part of my team, sir. I don't want to lose him." Lorne hesitated for a moment and then added, "He's also extremely discreet, sir, so I'm sure nothing he might have witnessed on the last mission would ever be revealed to anyone here in Atlantis."

John stared at his X.O. in shock for a moment, a cold chill crawling down his back at the careful phrasing, then smiled charmingly. "I'm sure I can help Doctor McKay see the advantages in keeping Doctor Parrish here."

"Thank you, sir."

John leaned back, the smile still on his face. "You know, I've been meaning to tell you how impressed I've been with your close working relationship with Doctor Parrish. It's so encouraging to see such friendly relations between military and scientist."

Lorne nodded. "You've set a stellar example, sir."

"Well, I might just have to use you as an example some day, if the subject of military-scientific cooperation ever comes up." John smiled.

"Of course, sir. If it ever comes up."

Their eyes met. Lorne nodded slightly. John nodded back. "Was that all, Major?"

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir."

John let Lorne out and then returned to the couch, picking up Carson's boxers, then knelt to pull the other clothes out from under the couch. As he sat up, he caught sight of the tube of lube on the end table and shook his head. So much for pretense.


Radek let out an eep of surprise as a warm hand landed on his shoulder. He turned and looked up into Ronon's face. "Oh. It's you." He couldn't help the smile that spread across his face or the heat that flashed into his cheeks.

"You got everything ready?" Ronon asked.

Radek pointed to a cart where a collection of odds and ends sat-- a shallow plastic box with pea gravel, a small cage, two pottery bowls, a container labeled "feline food" courtesy of the zoology labs, several carpeted pieces, and an Athosian basket containing a cushion, a small cloth ball, and one sleeping cat.

"That's a lot of stuff," Ronon commented.

Radek nodded. "Litter box and litter, carrying cage, food and water bowls, food..."

"What's this?" Ronon asked, examining a carpeted cylinder.

"These pieces all go together to make a tower with platforms and nooks."

"A cat house," Ronon said, peeking into a sturdy box in which Radek had cut a cat-sized hole and covered with carpet.

"Um. I believe that would be a euphemism in English."

Ronon blinked. "For what?"

"For a... uh... brothel. House of prostitution."

"Oh. We called those soup rooms."

Radek shook his head. "I don't want to know."

Ronon stepped closer, making Radek swallow hard. "Jealous?"


"I'd drink your soup anytime, you know."

All thought fled completely as Ronon's hand slipped around the nape of his neck and into his hair. Radek let Ronon tip his head back, his body going pliant against the other man.

"Doctor McKay has returned to his-- Oh! Excuse me!" Miko interrupted them.

Ronon pulled away. Radek could feel his face ablaze. "We were just making sure we had all the cat things," Radek said.

Miko's face was as red as his felt. "Of course. I just came to tell you Doctor McKay had returned to his apartment, in case you wanted to know." She ducked her head. "I'll leave you two to... finish preparations."

Ronon grinned as the Japanese scientist scurried away.

"Well... we should... ah... go deliver our gift."

"Sure," Ronon answered, his eyes unabashedly sweeping down Radek's body hungrily.

Radek felt his cheeks warming again and mentally swore to himself. He had to stop blushing before his face turned red permanently.


Rodney laughed, still amazed to find himself here with these two men after the heartbreak he'd been facing. John's lips closed over his fingers, tongue drawing in the red berry he held. Rodney withdrew his fingers and watched as Carson leaned forward to lick away a droplet of red juice from the corner of John's mouth.

He picked up a cheese cube and popped it into his mouth, while looking over the food they had on the tray, picking out the next morsel to feed John. He was just reaching for the hot habanero pepper jack cheese cubes that John was crazy for when someone knocked at the door.

Carson slid out of John's lap, wiping kiss-reddened lips. "I'll get it."

Rodney sighed. "Why can't they pick a better time?"

John grinned. "I don't think there's going to be a good time today, babe." He gave Rodney a knowing wink.

The door slid open to reveal Radek standing with some furry mass in his arms and Ronon behind with a cart of miscellaneous objects.

"Hello," Radek greeted. "We have a get-well present for Rodney... which is also a 'please, don't kill him' gift for you and the Colonel."

Carson hesitated a moment, then remembered himself and stepped back. "Of course. Come in."

Rodney had sat forward at the mention of a present, curiosity piqued by the fluff in Radek's arms. "You didn't have to get me anything," he said automatically.

Radek grinned. "Well, Ronon wouldn't leave it behind."

John quirked an eyebrow. "Ronon? Do we need our sidearms?"

Ronon grunted. Radek grinned and bounced on the balls of his feet. "No, Colonel." He stepped over to Rodney. "Hold out your hands, Rodney."

Tentatively, Rodney held out his hands and Radek leaned over, placing something warm and soft and furry onto his hands. The... thing let out a mew of protest at being moved and uncurled. Rodney found himself staring into bright blue, blinking cat's eyes. His heart skipped a beat. "Oh, my God!"

"What is it?" Carson demanded.

Rodney pulled his arms in, curling them around the cat, who began to purr loudly. "It's a cat. They got me a cat. Where did you...? How did you...?"

"Oh, hey!" John said. "Is that the one we saw on MX3-775?"

"Yeah," Ronon confirmed. "I brought it back. All its people were gone."

"A cat?" Carson asked.

"Oh! It's beautiful. Hi, there, princess. Or are you a prince? Let me check..."

The cat protested with a plaintive meow.

"It's okay, sweetie," Rodney murmured. "I just had to check you out for a second. We're all done."

Rodney missed Carson and John exchanging perplexed looks.

"Are ye sure she's safe?" Carson asked.

"Zoology department cleared her," Radek answered. "She is disease- and parasite-free."

"Of course you are, aren't you, princess?"

"I think Rodney's found true love," John whispered.

Rodney gave him a glare and returned his attention to the cat. "Such a pretty collar. Someone really loved you, didn't they, sweetie?"

The cat blinked, then leaned forward and touched noses.

Carson settled on the couch next to Rodney, still looking a little doubtful, and reached out to stroke the cat. "Hullo, piseag."

The cat sniffed his hand, then rubbed against it.

"Oh. She is a lovely creature, isn't she?"

"Hey! What are you doing? She's my present," Rodney protested.

"I'm not doing anything but petting her, Rodney. And she was a gift for all of us."

"We brought... things, too," Ronon said, waving at the cart.

Radek nodded. "Including a tower to put in one of the corners."

The cat leapt from Rodney's arms and into Carson's lap, sniffing him thoroughly, then clambered over into John's, where after a cursory investigation, she curled up in his lap, purring loudly.

"Sorry, kit. I can't really pet you right now," John apologised.

The cat blinked at him and then laid her head down on her paws and closed her eyes, looking thoroughly at peace.

"Figures," Rodney said. "Even the alien female cats throw themselves at you."

John shrugged helplessly. "I didn't do anything, honest."

"Maybe he smells like her old owners," Carson theorised.

"Well, she'll figure out who the real cat person in the household is soon enough," Rodney said, turning to Radek. "Where did you come up with a cat tower?"

"I made it myself."

"Really? Let me see."

And the two scientists were off, discussing construction and arguing about which corner had the most sunlight and best view. Ronon hovered behind, making himself useful when Rodney and Radek pulled out the tools and began putting the thing together.

Two hours later, after much heated debate, swearing in at least four languages, and multiple relocations of everything, Radek and Ronon bid farewell and Rodney settled back on the couch, glaring at John.

"What? I couldn't help," John answered the unspoken criticism.

"You could have given your opinion on the location of everything."

"Oh, you had enough opinions for both of us."

"So, what are we going to name her?" Carson asked, heading off the argument.

All three of them considered the cat who, now that the loud noises were gone, was taking the opportunity to explore the apartment.

"Schrödinger?" John said.

"It's a girl cat and that's a cruel joke," Carson said.

"Kind of cliché, too," Rodney added.

"So I suppose Fluffy is out of the question."

Rodney rolled his eyes. "As are Puff and Cat, yes."

"What about Cocoa?" Carson suggested.

"Makes me think of Coco Chanel," Rodney said.

"What's wrong with that?" John asked.

"Coco Chanel makes me think of Chanel Number 5."

"And he's allergic to it," Carson said.

"Ah. Well, maybe we could do a brand of chocolate?"

"Ehhhh..." Rodney made a so-so gesture.

"All right, so a different direction," Carson said. "What about something like Ada or Marie or even Curie? A female scientist you admire."

"How about Mandelbrot?" John suggested.

"It's a female cat," Carson pointed out again.

"Mandy for short?"

Rodney snorted. "Didn't you have a girlfriend named Mandy?"

"Um. Yeah."

"I don't think we'd want to be reminding you of a past love," Carson said.

John shrugged. "It was just a thought."

"Hey, what about Julia?" Rodney suggested.

John snickered.

Carson looked thoughtful. "That might work."

"Julia! Kitty kitty! Julia!" John called.

The cat turned and trotted over to John, leaping into his lap.

"Looks like it works to me."

Rodney glared at John again. "Have you always been this good with cats?"

John shrugged. "I don't know. I never had pets when I was growing up. Too hard to move all the time, especially when you might end up overseas."

"Mum had a cairn terrier that hated me with a burning passion," Carson said. "But no cats."

"But Julia likes you two better. That makes no sense at all," Rodney complained.

"Maybe she prefers a virgin," John said, grinning. "Someone who's never been owned by a cat before."

"Well, I suppose there had to be some way you were still a virgin," Rodney cracked.

Carson shook his head. "Remind me again why I'm marrying you two."

John leaned over, kissing Carson. "Because we're hot and sexy and so very fuckable. In fact, you were just thinking about a repeat of this morning..."

"I was?" Carson asked, his eyes dancing.


"Oh, well, I like the way I'm thinking then," Carson answered and pulled Rodney to him.

"Hey!" John protested.

"Ye've a cat in your lap, love. We wouldn't want to disturb her, now would we?"

John pouted while Carson and Rodney swallowed each other's laughter.

AN: Pausa is a musical term meaning "pause, rest, or break"

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beckett/mckay/sheppard, dex/zelenka, lorne/parrish, aleatoric life, pg-13, fiction, angst, slash, non-con

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