Index of the No Precious Time Series

Nov 10, 2009 09:12

Title: No Precious Time Series
Author: The Time Being/SGAtlantisLight
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Genre: Smutty angst, H/C
Rating: NC-17 overall, though some chapters are lower
Disclaimer: I own them all! But, alas, not in this universe.

Author's Notes: Beta and encouragement from a lot of people, but especially lapislaz, mice1900, and inkscribe.

This was written in 2007 with the intention of posting it on the comm expectanything. But then Livejournal decided to get moronic due to pressure from an outside extremist group which resulted in them labeling fiction, non-photorealistic artwork, and even whole communities that had even the slightest hint that they might involve under-18-year-olds acting sexually as "child pornography" and threatened to delete accounts (even permanent ones) and report the poster to the Centers for Missing and Exploited Children even though none of those things qualify under the legal definition of child pornography in the US nor were any actual, real children being injured in any way. (They even deleted a comm dealing with discussion of the book Lolita, a comm on a particular fashion style called the Lolita look, and a couple of incest-recovery comms). Given the poisonous atmosphere on LJ combined with the fact that there are references to underaged sex in this fic (though nothing graphic, nor is it the focus of the story), I chose not to post to LJ at all, and put it up on my alternate journals.

New management has taken over Livejournal and these ridiculous rules have finally been overturned. So, I am finally posting this fic. If it seems familiar, it may be because you've read it on one of my other journals.

Because the warnings will spoil the reader for certain plot points, they are being posted in their own separate post, listed below. Don't read them unless you want to be spoiled for the plot. For similar reasons, I am not listing the pairing(s). Feel free to email me or drop me a comment if you need to know before reading.
Chapters are being posted one a day. This is not a WIP. It is completely done. As they are posted, they will be linked from this index.

1. No Precious Time, Nov 10, 2009
2. So True a Fool Is Love, Nov 11, 2009
3. Though You Do Anything, Nov 12, 2009
4. These True Friends, Nov 13, 2009
5. Not Enough Blood, Nov 16, 2009
6. Filling the World with Surprise and Horror, Nov 17, 2009
7. Things Which Are Pleasant, Nov 18, 2009
8. Slave to the Flesh, Nov 19, 2009
9. The Wolf at the Sheep's Throat, Nov 20, 2009
10. Too Much Pleasure, Nov 21, 2009
11. O! Let Me Suffer, Nov 22, 2009
12. A Road Through Mountains, Nov 23, 2009
13. Weariness in Doing, Nov 24, 2009
14. Horizontal, Nov 25, 2009
15. Who Has Never Hoped, Nov 26, 2009
16. Thoroughly Worth Living, Nov 27, 2009
17. What We Have Forgotten, Nov 28, 2009
18. Still on the Plantation, Nov 30, 2009
19. How Come?, Dec 3, 2009
20. The Tyranny of Numbers, Dec 4, 2009
21. Three Parts Dead, Dec 5, 2009
22. Intimacy, Dec 6, 2009
23. Destiny Waits Alike, Dec 8, 2009
24. What Everyone Wants, Dec 8, 2009
25. About Face, Dec 9, 2009
26. Incompatible, Dec 10, 2009
27. Owning Yourself, Dec 11, 2009
28. When You Rise, Dec 12, 2009

Warnings for the fic Contains plot spoilers! Do not read unless you absolutely can't read the series without knowing.
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