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Comments 524

x_erikah_x December 2 2009, 16:03:22 UTC
Characters: John (H/C), Rodney
Request: Friendship fic, Sheppard being shot by bad guys and Rodney caring for him.
Don't want: Rodney being mean or downgrading Shep's injury. Shep being stupid or getting shot because of something stupid.


The Price of Heroics, PG x_erikah_x December 6 2009, 13:25:50 UTC
Huh... Is it okay to answer your own prompt? Well, since I'm the holy Mod and I opened the challenge, I say yes, it is perfectly okay ( ... )


Re: The Price of Heroics, PG saphirablue December 6 2009, 15:23:39 UTC
In my opinion it's perfectly ok to respond to your own prompt... Especially if it results in good fic! :)

Oh Rodney - being alone with a shot John, trying to keep him alive, struggling to get him back to the gate - you've done a good job!

And you, Erikah, have done a good job with the fic! :) That's Rodney how breathes and lives...

Thank you for it!


Re: The Price of Heroics, PG x_erikah_x December 6 2009, 15:27:43 UTC
Thanks! I love heroic Rodney!


x_erikah_x December 2 2009, 16:05:40 UTC
Characters: Team
Request: whump all offworld by some kind of natural disaster, friendship and team luff. Heroic staggering. Holidays time.
Don't want: One more whumped than the other, any kind of character bashing.


Avalanche, PG (1/3) sholio December 7 2009, 07:55:46 UTC
This is a beautiful world. Ronon thought so before it swallowed the jumper and half his squad -- team, whatever -- and he still thinks so. He hasn't mentioned it to the team, doesn't see any reason to, but this would have been the Ceremony of Lights back on Sateda. Not sure which day -- maybe the fourth day, Siwal, the day for letting go of foolish pride. Or is it Shawarda, the third day, for speaking of the dead? At some point he lost track of the correspondence between the Satedan calendar and the one the Lanteans use. He hopes it's not Shawarda; that would be a bad sign ( ... )


Avalanche, PG (2/3) sholio December 7 2009, 07:56:18 UTC
They're twined together, like they both tried to shield the other one when the snow and ice came down. Their faces are close together, breathing each other's breath. Ronon can see what they did, and he admires their quick thinking, especially considering the little time that they had -- clinging together, forehead to forehead, trying to keep from losing each other in the snow and maintaining a space between them to preserve a little bit of air ( ... )


Avalanche, PG (3/3) sholio December 7 2009, 07:56:51 UTC
They're all banged up from head to foot. Ronon's broken leg is probably the worst, but Teyla is woozy from a head injury and seems to have some ribs that are cracked at the very least. In the dim light, with Teyla nearly in his lap, Ronon can't tell what's going on with the other two, so he's not sure how bad they're hurt. However, McKay can't be hurt too bad if he's complaining that much, though the complaints are interspersed with a few pathetic whimpers that sound pretty genuine. Sheppard doesn't say much, except for a sudden curse and "Watch it, McKay!" which results in McKay falling sideways into Teyla and Sheppard nearly falling into the fire ( ... )


baranyandi December 2 2009, 16:06:26 UTC
Prompt: Quiet
Characters: John Sheppard plus any team member(s)
Summary: John is recuperating from an illness or injury during the holidays in Atlantis.
The whump should be either mild (I'd love something like a simple cold or a fever), or he should be well enough to move about. A canon injury would also be nice.
How would the team and the city provide comfort, warmth, support during the holiday season?


It's about family, Rated G [Part 1] x_erikah_x December 2 2009, 17:31:26 UTC
John slowly opened his eyes. The light filtered through his eyelids until a blur of white settled into image. The colorless geometrical shapes on the ceiling were replaced by a face and John had to blink a few times until he was finally able to recognize Rodney’s features. John’s eyes fell closed once more, Rodney’s slanted mouth the last thing he saw before he was again surrounded by oblivion ( ... )


It's about family, Rated G [Part 2] x_erikah_x December 2 2009, 17:31:49 UTC
A lullaby woke him up next. The voice was Teyla’s, but the song was, this time, a familiar one ( ... )


Re: It's about family, Rated G [Part 2] baranyandi December 2 2009, 18:52:12 UTC
But... but... I just posted this prompt!! That was amazingly fast work :)
And aw, John doesn't remember getting sick. How could that have happened? :)
English is my second language and I've never posted fic before but I'll try to muster up some courage to post something here.

Thanks so much again, this was amazing!!!


leesa_perrie December 2 2009, 17:01:08 UTC
Characters: Rodney and Carson (plus others if it fits your plot).
Request: Rodney has to look after a whumped Carson, preferably without help for most of the fic. I'd prefer the whumpage to be illness/allergy, but will take an injury if it's not too gruesome. Bonus points for Rodney-angst/guilt. Any relevant season (including S5). Will even take AU!
Don't want: Character bashing, supernatural horror, anything too squicky as it's Christmas (but not too light, 'cos I want my h/c!). No sheep jokes!


A Visit to Planet Xena 1/3 reen212000 December 8 2009, 04:25:51 UTC
I'm sure this is nothing like what you want, but the bunny hath bit me. And it's longer than I thought ( ... )


Re: A Visit to Planet Xena 2/3 reen212000 December 8 2009, 04:32:12 UTC
Then suddenly, it's a bar brawl, and the colonel is quickly losing. Finally, two women carry off Sheppard, who's kicking and screaming the whole way. I admire his tenacity; the whole 'protect his team' thing can go a little overboard, but I do appreciate it ( ... )


Re: A Visit to Planet Xena 3/4 reen212000 December 8 2009, 04:36:20 UTC
I must have dozed off, when my head snaps up toward the door. They're coming back for us. I stand between doom and Carson as the door swings open. Nala, her red, red hair pinned back, looks over us with a frown ( ... )


tielan December 2 2009, 19:50:40 UTC
Characters: Teyla, John, Ronon
Request: they're all injured in some way, but they all have to use their survival skills to hold out until help comes (led by Rodney, of course)
Don't want: Teyla to be ignored or cast as the 'helper'. She's got survival skills in Pegasus, too. Use them.


kriadydragon December 2 2009, 23:12:21 UTC
A world was only an ally when you made it an ally; it's people, it's landscape, it's plants and animals. When Teyla walked through a world, old or new, she observed. She observed everything from the greenest bud to the means by which its human population built its habitations and where. She noted the gentle slopes and hills, dells and ravines where water might gather and the littering of stones close to any mountains where caves could be found ( ... )


coolbreeze1 December 5 2009, 22:37:04 UTC
I love this! There's just not enough stories from Teyla's POV. I love seeing her survival skills come into play, and everyone pulling themselves together to take care of each other. Great story!


kriadydragon December 6 2009, 02:58:03 UTC
Thank you :D. And, true, Teyla doesn't get the POV often. I have been trying to write more of her, but until now could never come up with any ideas I wanted to write.


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