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Re: A Visit to Planet Xena 3/4 reen212000 December 8 2009, 04:36:20 UTC
I must have dozed off, when my head snaps up toward the door. They're coming back for us. I stand between doom and Carson as the door swings open. Nala, her red, red hair pinned back, looks over us with a frown.

“Dè tha thu a dèanamh?” She says, and Carson bolts upright.

“Dè thuirt thu?”

Nala smiles. I think she's... relieved. “Carson?” I ask, not turning my back on her again.

“A bheil Gàidhlig agaibh?”

Carson laughs. “Tha, beagan.”

The giant woman blushes prettily, and pushes me out of the way. Sitting on the bed, she examines Carson's bandage. “Tha mi duilich!”

“It's quite all right, lass.”

They launch into a discussion, and my head is spinning. “What is going on, Carson?” I interrupt. both look at me with murderous expressions. Really, I just want a sit rep before Sheppard grills me later. If he's not for dinner, that is.

“Gabhaibh mo leisgeul, Nala.” Carson swings his legs over to sit on the edge of the bed. “Rodney, I would appreciate it if you didn't yell.”

“Well, Amazon Nora here just clubbed you over the head, and now you're speaking gibberish. Excuse me for being concerned!” Suddenly, Nora stands, her head inches away from the ceiling. “Is she going to rip me apart now?”

“Her name is Nala, Rodney. And no, I don't believe she will rip you apart. Yet.” He stood unsteadily, and Nala held his shoulders. “Tapadh leat.” He mumbles something else, and she nods.

“There are special robes. You should wear them,” she says, pointing at an alcove. “It will get cold after the sun dips below the mountain.” Bowing to Carson, she turns and nudges me out of her way again. For someone so big, she makes no sound as she hurries out of our room.

Carson groans and sits down. Rubbing his temple, he closes his eyes. “That was interestin'.”

“What? That you can speak nonsense too? It's good to know you can connect. Maybe you should've tried that before she clocked you.”

“Yer tellin' me. She was speaking a form of Gaelic I hadn't heard since me gran was alive. Quite refreshing, really.”

For lack of anything to do, I pour another glass of water and fish out a packet of Tylenol. Tossing the pills back, he raises the glass. “Slàinte mhòr agad!”

“You do realize I have no idea what you're saying, right? For all I know, you could have brain damage.”

“I don't have brain damage, but I will have a bit of a headache later.” Standing again, Carson grabs my arm for support. “Nala will return shortly, so we should put on those robes.”

Leading him over to the alcove, I help him into the dark blue robe. I take the lighter blue one, since it reminds me of the one I have in my quarters. Nala returns, looking very pleased. Apparently, we've chosen to wear the right ones. We enter the dining room, and Sheppard hops to his feet. He's wearing the same type of robe, only in green. Were they supposed to match our eyes? Weird.


Re: A Visit to Planet Xena 4/4 reen212000 December 8 2009, 04:53:02 UTC
“You guys okay?” Sheppard asks breathlessly. “Anything happen?”

I shrug. “Well, not only does Carson have a concussion, but apparently he can speak nonsense just like the girl who hit him.”

“It's not nonsense, McKay. It's Gaelic.”

I wave a hand at him. “Whatever. It's a dead language, and the soft sciences don't interest me.” Looking closer at him, I try to discern if he's been injured. Other than being pissed, he seems okay.

The tall blonde swans into the room, dressed head to toe in purple. “Thank you for joining us. Once again, I apologize for Nala's behavior. There is a neighboring village who speaks as you do, Beckett. She was merely protecting her tribe.”

“Tapadh leat, Lady Gallia,” Carson said. Gallia? Was that her name? He launched into more words and I glanced over at Sheppard, who wore his usual politely bland expression. Everyone seemed quite pleased, and food instantly appeared on the table.

“I told her that you were our warrior-protector, John,” Carson said, patting the colonel on the arm. “They think you're a bit scrawny, to which I agreed.”

“Well, as long as no one's swinging any sticks, I'll let that slide.” Sheppard smiled back at the priestess' guards. He pointed to one dish, telling me to stay away from it.

Carson, on the other hand, went a bit green. “I think I will pass on the food, if ye don't mind, m' lady.” When she inclined her head, Nala stepped forward, blushing again. “Ah! A lovely escort.”

The colonel and I watch him leave with much trepidation.

“Do not worry. He will be cared for.” Leaning in Sheppard's direction, Gallia smiled coyly. “Now, Sheppard. Tell me of these weapons.”

I tried not to sigh too loudly as a woman about my height detached from the wall. “Doctor McKay? I am Sirona. I keep watch over the ruins.”

Okay, now I'm interested. No, not because she's got cornsilk hair. It's purely professional, and it's a bonus that she's, well, pretty. “Um, yes. We came looking for an energy source and perhaps some information.”

“Yes! I know that place like my home. I can show you everything.”

See? Bonus.


After dinner, I walk quickly back to the room. Carson is asleep, and there's a smelly candle burning by the bed. Sighing, I move to wake him. He wakes slowly, and rubs his face. “You okay?”

“Aye, I think I'll be fine. Tomorrow, I'll head back to Atlantis, and send back a few of my staff.”

“Do you want a new bandage?”

“No, I'm fine. Nala changed it and put some sort of balm on it.”

Shedding my jacket, I move to the other side of the bed. Seriously, you could put an elephant between us, and we wouldn't know. I take a deep breath, feeling the excitement of the day ebb out of me.

“Thanks, Rodney,” Carson whispers. “We'll work on yer bedside manner later.”

I snort loudly. “Well, you could learn to be a better patient.”

Falling asleep, I dream of Amazons and tall Ancient spires.


The end.

Translation: This is Scottish Gaelic, by the way.
Dè tha thu a dèanamh? What are you doing?
Dè thuirt thu? What did you say?
A bheil Gàidhlig agaibh? You speak Gaelic?
Tha, beagan. Yes, a little.
Tha mi duilich! I'm sorry
Gabhaibh mo leisgeul. Excuse me.
Tapadh leat. Thank you.
Slàinte mhòr agad. To your health.


Re: A Visit to Planet Xena 4/4 leesa_perrie December 8 2009, 10:11:22 UTC
Excellent! I really enjoyed this, it's a great Rodney and Carson story and Rodney's POV was great! Nice idea with the Gaelic, too.

Thank you! *iz happy*


Re: A Visit to Planet Xena 4/4 reen212000 December 8 2009, 16:33:26 UTC
Whew! You're so very welcome! Sometimes Rodney's voice screams the loudest at me. LOL


Re: A Visit to Planet Xena 4/4 x_erikah_x December 8 2009, 15:21:17 UTC
That was a very interesting plot. Curious that they speak Gaelic. Nice to see someone else getting whumped for a change. XD Poor Carson and Rodney.


Re: A Visit to Planet Xena 4/4 reen212000 December 8 2009, 20:50:12 UTC
Curious that they speak Gaelic.

I blame the Ancients and their penchant for Celtic lore. LOL I didn't realize how hard it was to whump someone who wasn't Sheppard or McKay, which is why I took this prompt.

Thanks for reading!


Re: A Visit to Planet Xena 4/4 space1traveler December 8 2009, 19:23:28 UTC
Wow, Scottish Gaelic! reen212000 will you ever stop surprising me? I think not.
I loved Rodney being out of the loop on EVERYTHING that was going on. Carson, poor Carson, getting whumped each time he opened his mouth (LOL). Good story. Thanks so much!


Re: A Visit to Planet Xena 4/4 reen212000 December 8 2009, 21:22:04 UTC
I admit it was a bit ambitious. God, I love the internet! I really have no idea where this plot came from; I sat at my computer and started typing. Normally, I write everything out.

Glad you liked!


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