Title: Holding On
pansychubbRating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Stargate belongs to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., no infringements of any rights is intended.
Spoilers: None
Prompt for the Round: Write a whump fic with John and ONE of his team. John POV.
HOLDING ON (story B) by
pansychubb Kolya leered, long white hair framing bared black teeth, before slamming his feeding hand into Elizabeth's chest. She gasped, met John's eyes, and disintegrated in a shower of Replicator dust.
John screamed. The sound tore from his throat as he tried to sit up, but hands on his shoulders pushed him back down, and he couldn't make his body resist.
"It's not real, Sheppard, it's not real," chanted a voice from above him.
The sickening image melted away into a gray ceiling. John's heart hammered painfully, a dull roar in his ears, and his breath came in sharp pants.
"It's not real, you're okay, it's not real," the voice continued, and John recognized Rodney's barely controlled panic.
"What?" John tried to ask, but it came out a shaking gasp.
"Hallucinogenic neurotoxin," Rodney murmured, as if repeating himself for the hundredth time. The scientist leaned back, removing the pressure from Sheppard's shoulders as he began the nervous habit of talking with his hands. "A booby trap, which you just had to go and set off. So if you could do me the favor of not completely freaking out until help gets here, I'd really, really appreciate it."
John didn't remember where they were or how they'd gotten there, and now Michael was standing over him, cold eyes and colder smile, watching in satisfaction as the skin on Sheppard's arms cracked into blue scales. John cried out, digging his nails under the hardened casing, his movements desperate and erratic as he tore at the offending flesh.
"Geez, Sheppard!" someone said from far away. "John, stop it!" Strong fingers encircled his wrists and held them apart. John reflexively twisted his hands, reversing the grip on his attacker, knuckles white.
"Ow ow ow, okay, ow!" Rodney's face came into focus, screwed up in discomfort as Sheppard clutched at him. John stared at his arms, eyes wide at pale skin, red claw marks, and blood under his fingernails. "See, this is exactly what I asked you not to do!" Rodney continued to babble.
Sheppard groaned and let his head fall back. He loosened his hold, but the physicist made no attempt to escape his grip.
"Yeah, okay, that's it," McKay exhaled as John forcibly slowed his breathing. "You're okay. It's not real. You're okay . . . "
John listened to his friend begin the litany again. He closed his eyes, took a shaking breath, and held on.
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