Preview: Know How to Fall by auburn

Nov 12, 2009 11:35

Title: Know How to Fall
Author: auburnnothenna
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Rating: R
Genre: AU romance
Word Count: ~84044
Warnings: mentions of other relationships
Notes: Many thanks to betas dossier, mecurtin, enviropony, (who lent not only her sharp eyes but her expertise as well) and
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2009 previews

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Comments 43

mikes_grrl November 12 2009, 20:46:57 UTC
I'm flummoxed, I'm totally beside myself with excitement for this story. OMG I can't wait! Squee! And \o/ ! And! And!...

*takes deep breath*

I'll wait. No no no, never mind me, go right on ahead with whatever you're doing. I'll wait RIGHT HERE!


auburnnothenna November 12 2009, 20:51:46 UTC
Hee! What a reaction! I'm just as impatient. There's art! I haven't seen the art! ::bounces::

I wants all the stories and art.

::grabby hands::


tharaist November 12 2009, 20:57:32 UTC
I can't wait to read this! Eee!


auburnnothenna November 12 2009, 21:18:43 UTC
I think I worried more over this preview than I did over the story. Pick something intriguing, don't give away the plot, keep it to the word count, discover typos, rewrite the summary, pester my betas...hah. I'm a wreck.


mirabile_dictu November 12 2009, 21:06:59 UTC
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! This is such a wonderful story. Do you know, I've only printed out two stories in my entire online life and this is one of them.


auburnnothenna November 12 2009, 21:16:35 UTC
No, of course I didn't know that, but now I'm incredibly touched.


(The comment has been removed)

auburnnothenna November 12 2009, 22:36:48 UTC

I won't get to see your art until tomorrow.


winter_elf November 12 2009, 22:51:59 UTC
I can't wait! John! Rodney! Romance! HORSES! :)


auburnnothenna November 12 2009, 23:01:28 UTC
Horses! It's surprising there aren't more horses in SGA fic. It's the Pegasus Galaxy, after all.


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