Fic: Hail Mary (Gen, G)

Jan 01, 2015 11:00

Title: Hail Mary
Author: mific
Recipient: hoktauri (Pinch hitter #2)
Pairing: Gen
Rating: G
Warnings: no AO3 warnings apply.
Wordcount: 1710
Disclaimer: Not my characters, and not my galaxy.
Author's Notes: Set after 'The Ark' but before 'Sunday'. John returns to Proculus again, alone, and then vanishes for several months. Hi there Pinch Hitter #2 - this won ( Read more... )

genre: general

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Comments 11

persiflager January 1 2015, 16:18:15 UTC
Aw, brilliant! Of course John wouldn't hesitate to take the deal. I'm so glad his team were able to save him even when he didn't know that he was lost. Great fic.


mific January 2 2015, 03:10:13 UTC
Thanks so much! Yes, silly John - good thing he's got the team!


danceswithgary January 1 2015, 17:42:01 UTC
Of course John would give up everything he is - glad the team was there to bring him back. :-D


mific January 2 2015, 03:10:54 UTC
He's an idiot like that! Very happy that you liked it - :).


Lovely Story dernhelm62 January 12 2015, 05:02:54 UTC
I loved the story. I'm glad they got him back in the end. I still miss it. Please keep writing, I really enjoy great stories of my (still) favoirite TV show! :)


icarusancalion December 1 2019, 18:14:27 UTC
This is wonderful! I love the dream-like quality and how John couldn't remember even their names. Ronon having to carefully explained how the guards were just stunned. Yes, sending John back to earth in this condition is exactly what the SGC would do -- and exactly wrong. Can't believe that Atlantis almost missed everything they needed.

Great ending, too.

Wonderful story. Are you mific on AO3, too? I'm Icarus there, not icarusancalion.


mific December 1 2019, 19:52:14 UTC
Thanks so much - delighted you liked it! Yep, I’m mific everywhere, and the fic’s on AO3 as well. :)


icarusancalion December 1 2019, 19:58:12 UTC
Are you participating in this year's SGA Santa? It's much smaller than it was back in the day, and I didn't trust myself to get the fic done, but it does continue under new management (with alyce go ahead.


mific February 13 2020, 12:24:25 UTC
Hey, hi there - really sorry to just be replying so late, but I'm entirely over on dreamwidth these days and I don't check my old LJ account at all often. Yes, I still take part in SGA Santa, and will for as long as it runs. Call me a diehard!


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