And ... that's a wrap! (Also, Week 2 guessing post)

May 14, 2009 23:45

That's all, folks! Well, that's round one anyway ... the anonymous stories! Thank you again to all of the story-posting mods, the writers, pinch-hitters and commenters. We had 48 stories this year -- a fantastic turnout, and an excellent crop of stories ranging from short to epic-length and even a "Choose Your Own Adventure" story! You guys made ( Read more... )

guess the authors

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Comments 5

leesa_perrie May 15 2009, 08:24:51 UTC
I can only guess one at the moment, but I'm so sure of it that if it's not I'd eat my hat if I had one!!

Where the White Lilies Grow - Eildon Rhymer!

Will check back later if any more come to mind!!


leesa_perrie May 20 2009, 11:40:28 UTC
Not sure, but having just read 'Here There Be Dragons', I'm wondering if that could have been written by friendshipper? Only a tentative guess though!


wildcat88 May 15 2009, 13:55:22 UTC
Where the White Lilies Grow - rhymer
Cairns - liketheriver
Once in a Blue Moon - Titan5
All But the Whites of their Eyes - friendshipper


sterenyk_strey May 15 2009, 22:48:21 UTC
I am quite unanimous in my decision here :p -

Where The White Lilies Grow - totally Rhymer. Rhymer's style with heroic staggering. Inimitable.

Once In A Blue Moon - absolutely Titan5. Whippy drippy blood whump plus recurring character Nick Strauhan is the big giveaway - unless someone is pulling a sneaky and copying her whump and borrowing her character! That would be - tricksy... ;-D

I'm such a Shep whumper that I'm basically only capable of spotting Shep whumpy fanfic.

That's it! For now.


astridv May 16 2009, 00:12:04 UTC
I'm in the middle of "White Lilies" and I'll venture a guess and say Rhymer...

... okay, back to reading. :) I have a lot of catching up to do!


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