And ... that's a wrap! (Also, Week 2 guessing post)

May 14, 2009 23:45

That's all, folks! Well, that's round one anyway ... the anonymous stories! Thank you again to all of the story-posting mods, the writers, pinch-hitters and commenters. We had 48 stories this year -- a fantastic turnout, and an excellent crop of stories ranging from short to epic-length and even a "Choose Your Own Adventure" story! You guys made this ficathon great for the second year in a row -- thank you all!

(IMPORTANT: If you turned in a story that WASN'T posted, please contact me immediately via email or PM, and I will check and post it for you before the anonymous part of the ficathon runs out! We do try, but it's possible that someone may have slipped through the cracks.)

If you were unable to complete your story before the deadline, or you'd like to write for one of the other prompts that was offered, never fear ... the Bonus Round will open along with the author reveals in a week. It's a no-pressure, flashfic-style second round of stories wherein anyone can write and post a story for any of the genres and prompts that were offered this year. It will start next weekend and run 'til the middle of June, and anyone is welcome to write for it!

And now, on to the second round of author guessing. Last week's author guessing post has the list of authors.


All But The Whites of Their Eyes
Here There Be Dragons
Separation Anxiety


Darkest Before the Dawn
Rodney's Guilt
Those Who Trust


City of Fogs
The Choices That Damn Us
The Dark Side of the Moon
Where the White Lillies Grow


Bring the Beat Back
No Place Like Home
Tuttle-Root Soup for the Soul


Cloudy With a Chance of Coffee
Lemon and Wraith and Pies, Oh MY!
Preemptive Counter Strike
Without a Paddle

Supporting Character Appreciation Day



Once in a Blue Moon
Unexpected Downtime

guess the authors

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