Love and the Art of Firearm Maintenance by liketheriver (Continuing Education Challenge)

Feb 09, 2010 19:20

Title: Love and the Art of Firearm Maintenance
Genre: slash, romance, h/c, angst, name it, we have it.
Characters: John and Rodney
Rating: T.
Word count: ~ 10,000
Warning: None
Spoilers: anything up through season 5
Author Notes: Thanks as always to Koshka for the quick beta.  This fic is based on one of my twitterfics, but 280 ( Read more... )

author: liketheriver, challenge: continuing education

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Comments 62

jesslin February 10 2010, 16:35:13 UTC
Nice. I didn't have any trouble at all seeing John and Rodney in these (except maybe the last, because I just can't picture them *old* :D ). I don't usually get to say that. I have a strong fondness for the end of part three, not only for the Hole In The Wall gang reference (hee!) but because you *didn't* let Rodney stay all together til the end, but to almost break under the strain - and pulling out of a full shatter to Do What Must Be Done is often harder to do than to stay stoic to the end. Well done :)


liketheriverrun February 12 2010, 17:36:58 UTC
Thank you so very much! I think Rodney did pretty well holding it together as long as he did. But even he has his limits. *G* So glad you enjoyed it.


danceswithgary February 10 2010, 16:40:20 UTC
Really, really enjoyed this!


liketheriverrun February 12 2010, 17:43:01 UTC
Thank you so very much!


teenygozer February 10 2010, 17:00:26 UTC
Oh, man; you really worked that theme into a cohesive story beautifully! Amazingly well done!


liketheriverrun February 12 2010, 17:43:44 UTC
Thanks so much! So glad you liked it.


accidentalfan February 10 2010, 18:55:50 UTC
OMG strip firearm maintenance! Brilliant!

Very cute, very them, and very happy-making.


liketheriverrun February 12 2010, 17:45:23 UTC
Thanks so very much! And how can you not find strip gun repair a turn on? *G*


beachlass February 10 2010, 19:44:41 UTC
This is so wonderful!!!


liketheriverrun February 12 2010, 17:45:44 UTC
Thanks so very much!


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