Love and the Art of Firearm Maintenance by liketheriver (Continuing Education Challenge)

Feb 09, 2010 19:20

Title: Love and the Art of Firearm Maintenance
Genre: slash, romance, h/c, angst, name it, we have it.
Characters: John and Rodney
Rating: T.
Word count: ~ 10,000
Warning: None
Spoilers: anything up through season 5
Author Notes: Thanks as always to Koshka for the quick beta.  This fic is based on one of my twitterfics, but 280 ( Read more... )

author: liketheriver, challenge: continuing education

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Comments 62

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liketheriverrun February 12 2010, 17:26:31 UTC
Thank you so very much! And I can't imagine that Rodney walked away from a parasite in his brain with at least some remnants. So glad you enjoyed it.


outsideth3box February 10 2010, 09:11:50 UTC
I was on my way to bed and, naturally, had to do one last check of LJ and...

This was so lovely, and so touching. I love strip firearm repair and poor humpty Dumpty Rodney and I adore seeing them older and greyer and still in love.

What a wonderful story.


liketheriverrun February 12 2010, 17:29:53 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm so happy you enjoyed it.


darlulu February 10 2010, 10:22:16 UTC
I really loved this. The structure, the characterization it was all just perfect. Thanks for sharing.


liketheriverrun February 12 2010, 17:31:00 UTC
Thank you so very much!


tovalentin February 10 2010, 15:05:51 UTC
Oh, my heart.

This is just gorgeous.


liketheriverrun February 12 2010, 17:31:39 UTC
Thank you very much!


raphe1 February 10 2010, 16:24:12 UTC
Fabulous! Brilliant! I love how you used the maintenance to exemplify their relationship. And the strip bit was hilarious! GLOMP! I adore your writing.


liketheriverrun February 12 2010, 17:33:00 UTC
Thank you very much! So glad you enjoyed the gun maintenance theme.


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