In the Arms of Atlas by liketheriver (Amnesty 2008, Gods and Monsters challenge)

Dec 15, 2008 20:10

Title: In the Arms of Atlas
Genre: slashy gen/ preslash with Team
Rating: T.
Word count: ~9500
Warning: None
Spoilers: Anything through Season 5 but nothing really
Author Notes: This fic definitely is preslash in my mind, but I think you could read it as gen given the situation. I'll leave it up to the reader to make that decision. Thanks as always ( Read more... )

author: liketheriver, challenge: gods and monsters, amnesty 2008

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Comments 47

trishkafibble December 16 2008, 05:56:45 UTC
It's beautiful. Just gorgeous! And my greedy little mind and heart agree that they want to read the Rodney POV too--but I will neither ask nor beg, 'cause what you've already written is just perfect. Thanks so much!


liketheriverrun December 16 2008, 14:23:11 UTC
Thanks so very much! I actually played around with the idea of going back and forth with their POV but settled on Sheppard so you could see how the chair was slowly driving him a little nuts without Rodney's input because I think he knew it for a while but just didn't want to stop the connection they had. But I'm glad you enjoyed it the way it turned out. *G*


hotels_inthesea December 16 2008, 06:27:52 UTC
Oh my god, SO good. I hope you're planing a sequel to this!!!!


liketheriverrun December 16 2008, 14:24:36 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm so glad you like it. In my mind the sequel is pretty easy... Teyla and Ronon leave the room and John and Rodney have mind blowing sex.*G*


hotels_inthesea December 17 2008, 01:49:56 UTC
Hooray! That was the most succinct-yet-satisfying sequel ever!


piplover December 16 2008, 07:23:26 UTC
Oh, wow! That was amazing! I loved Sheppard's obsession, how it mirrored Rodney's with Duranda, and how it was Rodney's turn to save him. It was sad, too, but hopeful. I really, really liked this! What a wonderful graduation present, thank you for sharing!


liketheriverrun December 16 2008, 14:26:00 UTC
Thanks so much! I'm glad you picked up on the hopeful bits because I didn't want it to be a sad story but they definitely lost something but I'm hoping they end up finding something just as good together. And once again, congrats!


dru_evilista December 16 2008, 13:55:49 UTC
Oh this was so very, very, very good. It was seriously better then the show has been in a long time! Awesome characterization, character development, thrilling plot that makes sense, you ROCK!


liketheriverrun December 16 2008, 14:27:39 UTC
Thank you so very much! Normally, a comment about writing better than the show is usually a huge compliment but lately I think my 5 year old could do better than they have. *G* But I'm thrilled that you enjoyed the fic so much.


etui December 16 2008, 15:13:04 UTC
I really enjoyed this. I liked the parallels to Trinity, but with the added bonus of Rodney admitting that he liked it too, wanted it too, and so not blaming John. And I loved the tough love from Ronon and Teyla. dru_evilista is right. It would have made a great episode.


liketheriverrun December 17 2008, 02:59:43 UTC
I really didn't want John to be at blame here. He was victim of the chairs almost as much as Rodney. And yes, Ronon and Teyla were all about the tough love in this one. *G* I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Thanks so much!


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