Quantum Cruise by Slybrarian

Aug 03, 2008 02:54

Title: Quantum Cruise (Role Reversal)
Author: slybrarian
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairing: Um... various Team Sheppards and some hangers-on. OT4?
Words: 733
Summary: It's like one of those cruise ships with themed trips, only instead of old people or gays, they've got a few dozen duplicates of themselves.
Notes: Beta by archae_ology. AU from 5x04 "The Daedalus Variations", with minor spoilers.

It's on the third jump that another team shows up.

They really should have been expecting it, but no, they don't even think about other universes investigating the ship until an extra Teyla and Rodney wander into engineering. The ship jumps before they can explain what's going on, and apparently they're at just the right distance from the surface for a jumper to arrive a few minutes before the ship hops along to the next reality because after a few more jumps a third team strolls in. It's after they try and fail to warn off Team Four that they realize the drive is interfering with radio communications. They post a welcome party in the hangar bay, but Team Five docks on the opposite side as everyone else did. Aliens attack them in the next jump, and everyone is so frazzled by it that they don't even notice when Team Six appears.

John thinks that with all the extra brainpower they're accumulating someone would be able to fix the damn ship, but apparently that's too much to ask. He can't even get a straight answer about why they keep hopping into universes with copies of his team, other than a vague spiel about lower energy differences between similar universes and something involving Quantum.

John hates Quantum.

They try to take measures to prevent anyone else from boarding, of course, but they have about as much luck with that as they do with everything else in their lives. It takes two tries to lock out remote access to the hangar doors, but the next team comes through one of the airlocks. They lock those too, and then another team rings aboard. Eventually a pair of Teylas (John can't remember if one was his Teyla or one of the others, but apparently one constant across the universes is that Teyla is the only one of them with any common sense) reprogram the ship's running lights to flash out a warning via Morse code. This doesn't stop one particularly intrepid team from latching onto the hull and getting carried along.

By the time their various alternates finally stop coming, there's eight variations of his team aboard the ship, along with three teams that include other people. They have just about every version of John Sheppard, Rodney McKay, Teyla Emmagan, and Ronon Dex there could be aboard. Some of them are just the usual role switch ups - military McKay, civilian Sheppard, starship captain Teyla, poetry major Ronon - but there's a few oddballs in there like Opposite Gender Team and Replicator Duplicate Team (or, more accurately, Regular Team With Replicator Duplicates Along With Them). There's also three Lornes, two Fords, two Zelenkas, a Cameron Mitchell, a Jonas Quinn, and just to top things off a Tok'ra version of Ba'al. Luckily, they all seemed like good people and no one had a goatee (except Ba'al, who didn't count), which John liked to think said something deep about his team's morals. He ignored Rodney when he pointed out that maybe the evil teams weren't stupid enough to get stuck on the Flying Dutchman.

Really, the situation's not as bad as it could be. They've got more brilliant physicists and engineers than you can shake a stick at, so sooner or later they'll get back home. Supplies aren't a problem, either, because a group of them (McKay, McKay, Dex, Quinn) have rigged up the transporter as a food replicator and they've got enough power to last a lifetime. In a lot of ways, it's more of a vacation than an actual crisis. Sure, occasionally they get attacked by random aliens, but that's just normal life and this Daedalus has some absurdly huge guns.

Also, while there's not a lot of to do for entertainment on an empty starship, they find ways to keep from getting bored. Take sixty people and put them on a big ship where most of them have nothing to do, and the ones who are working need to relax before their heads explode. Add in the facts that they're all close friends and that they're all a bit 'flexible' about things thanks to alien rituals. Finally, make it so that they'll never see each other again once the ship gets turned around, and it's not surprising what happens.

John thinks it's nice that, even if nothing else comes out of this entire misadventure, he's at least got a few new ideas for team-building exercises.

ETA: Now with another part!

author: slybrarian, challenge: role reversal

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