Brighter Than the Stars by wraithkeeper (Amnesty 2007/Fight or Flight/Ways to Die)

Dec 30, 2007 10:41

Title: Brighter Than the Stars
Author: wraithkeeper
Word Count: 300
Rating: PG (contains talk of death but that's it)
Disclaimer: Sheppard isn't mine, a fact he's probably relieved about
Summary: John had always planned on going out fighting. (tag for The Siege)

The stars sparkled like ice in the inky depths of space stretched before me. I turned the ( Read more... )

author: wraithkeeper, challenge: fight or flight, challenge: ways to die, amnesty 2007

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Comments 3

leesa_perrie December 30 2007, 21:34:34 UTC
Short, sweet and well written.

Nice touch; that he's worried about who will fly the second jumper - so Sheppard.


elenariel December 31 2007, 01:57:43 UTC
Aww... makes me think back to what I felt when I watched the Siege and agonised over whether they were really going to kill him or not.

I think you got John right here, worrying about everyone else just when it looks like he's going to die.


Brighter Than the Stars - story maxinemayer December 31 2007, 17:40:20 UTC
Liked this very much - a good Sheppard voice! Thank you for sharing! And Happy New Year 2008! Love, max


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