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Comments 61

saphanibaal February 4 2007, 18:48:04 UTC
So cute. So, so cute.

And, like several others, Ronon's Tannen-level mangling of idioms is what makes the story for me.


ellex42 February 4 2007, 19:24:04 UTC
I really enjoyed hearing Ronon say 'What the hell?' in...was it Phantoms? And I love stories where John and Rodney confuse Ronon and Teyla by trying to explain Earth culture and idioms, so when the opportunity for Carson to make a joke popped up in this story, I couldn't help but grab for it.

Thanks - I'm glad you enjoyed the story!


2ndary_author February 4 2007, 19:40:48 UTC
*Zelenka* was Prince John?! What about Kavanaugh? Wait...maybe I'm misremembering the story. Anyway, I loved this: perfect Rodney voice!


ellex42 February 4 2007, 21:25:28 UTC
Kavanagh doesn't have enough power to be Prince John! I think Zelenka would be flattered to be cast as the villain, and Rodney would find it amusing.



sgafan33 February 4 2007, 20:30:36 UTC
Aww! A story from you never fails. Your Rodney is spot on. He did get lucky with those kids, they were very well behaved. No crying for missing parents or asking for a drink of water. When Rodney talks, people listen!


ellex42 February 4 2007, 21:26:24 UTC
Thank you! Yup, Rodney was lucky - and he knows it.


starrylizard February 4 2007, 21:30:23 UTC
Gorgeous! *chuckles*


ellex42 February 5 2007, 00:55:13 UTC
Thank you!


groovekittie February 5 2007, 20:43:19 UTC
Oh that was simply awesome! The Rodney voice ws dead on and the story as a whole was just delightful!


ellex42 February 6 2007, 01:04:43 UTC
Thank you very much!


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