Pure Bodies and Clean Hearts by Speranza (Virgin Challenge)

Jun 01, 2006 13:27

Title: Pure Bodies and Clean Hearts (26k)
Author: Speranza
Pairing: McShep
Summary: John gets a do-over.

Thanks to shalott, giddy, and res for beta beyond the call of duty.

challenge: virgin, author: speranza

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Comments 148

nestra June 1 2006, 17:44:44 UTC
God, yes, the years had passed while Rodney had been working; the stream of time had dragged Rodney down and battered him against its own sort of rocks, and now it had brought him to John, gasping for breath and brand new.

*speechless with love*


cesperanza June 2 2006, 17:14:10 UTC
Thank you--(actually, and also thank resonant: she helped a ton with that whole scene! Betas rule!)


fairestcat June 1 2006, 18:07:43 UTC

God, only you could make them all virgins and yet make it strangely believable.


cesperanza June 2 2006, 17:14:55 UTC
Well, anything worth doing is worth doing well. *g* And I'm not one to skimp--hey, virginity for everybody, it's my party! So glad you liked.


dogeared June 1 2006, 18:19:50 UTC
Oh oh oh, I love John's fierce and overwhelming joy, and the stream of time had dragged Rodney down and battered him against its own sort of rocks, and now it had brought him to John, gasping for breath and brand new is just so lovely.


cesperanza June 2 2006, 17:15:26 UTC
Thank you!--and thank resonant, too: she helped a lot with that particular scene. Betas are wonderful things.


mamadeb June 1 2006, 18:25:32 UTC
and God, Rodney loved him, Rodney would have sex with him and still give a damn about him tomorrow--and that thought drove him to lift his mouth off Rodney's and fumble blindly for his wrists.

It's as if he had a second moment of rebirth right then.



cesperanza June 2 2006, 17:16:02 UTC
Yep; John's having a first time of a different sort. Go John! (& thank you!)


wickedwords June 1 2006, 18:27:53 UTC
The ending was absolutely adorable.


cesperanza June 2 2006, 17:16:30 UTC
Thank you! It's very appreciated!


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