The Wheel, Atlantis, Wars, And So On, by Speranza

Jan 18, 2006 13:00

This story is for my so-called "friends," who have decided that, since I've written incest, my dignity is clearly in freefall. Terri, Julad, Livia, Mia, you're sick little monkeys! Thank you shalott and dira for moral--well, immoral--support of the beta variety.

The Wheel, Atlantis, Wars, And So On. )

amnesty ii, author: speranza, challenge: swimming

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Comments 186

severusslave January 18 2006, 18:19:22 UTC
Eeek, eeek! Omg! Sga and HHGttG together... kinda. *loves you so much*


shearebliss January 18 2006, 18:22:01 UTC
Yes! So long, and thanks for all the fish!


3jane January 18 2006, 18:27:04 UTC
Oh dude yes.


ship_recs January 18 2006, 18:27:26 UTC
I love it!


renenet January 18 2006, 18:30:09 UTC
I...I...I understand about your dignity (dolphins are like horsies and unicorns, depending on which ten-year-old girl is doing the fantasizing), but I'm at a complete loss about the morality issue. No, don't explain. It's just that, when you write it like this...huh, what was I saying? Um, there's no wrong here. There is only sweet, beautiful right.


cesperanza January 18 2006, 18:54:54 UTC
That's because I categorically refused to write the scene where John has sex with a dolphin. (Okay, I didn't categorically refuse, but I couldn't, uh, find a way to tastefully--*waves hands helplessly* It's been a very trying couple of days!!!)


porntestpilot January 18 2006, 19:00:09 UTC
But you were in the Sentinel fandom...clearly this was much scarier stuff there. I didn't even give that a second thought until I read Kormatic's comment and went, oh..

I'm giggling so much. I'm sorry.


renenet January 18 2006, 22:24:35 UTC
I am laughing so hard right now. I just wrote a rather detailed, response back to your comment and tried to post it twice and it's like LiveJournal is trying to be my better angel by making it disappear into the ether. It's not appearing in the thread, nor is it giving me an error message. I'm not sure whether LJ is trying to be circumspect or whether it's trying to embarrass me by encouraging me to press "post" seventeen times. ::dies::


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