The Wheel, Atlantis, Wars, And So On, by Speranza

Jan 18, 2006 13:00

This story is for my so-called "friends," who have decided that, since I've written incest, my dignity is clearly in freefall. Terri, Julad, Livia, Mia, you're sick little monkeys! Thank you shalott and dira for moral--well, immoral--support of the beta variety.

The Wheel, Atlantis, Wars, And So On. )

amnesty ii, author: speranza, challenge: swimming

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Comments 186

mcalex22 January 18 2006, 18:31:54 UTC
I love dolphiins. They are always so playful and friendly and when you go out to see they always come out and greet you. And sometimes, they get a little too playful with each other too.

The thought of Rodney as a dolphin is too hillarious! I'm loving your sense of humour - this is such a fantastic idea. I reckon John and Rodney would have enjoyed living out their dolphin lives for a long time if they didn't have to come back to Atlantis!



reginagiraffe January 18 2006, 18:32:13 UTC
I *adore* you.

That is all.

(Oh, and I also adore this story. So call me a liar. *Now* that is all.)


ivy03 January 18 2006, 18:35:25 UTC
Oh my God! Clearly you've been hiding the good crack. How do you write a story about John and Rodney as dolphins and make it make sense?

You have broken my brain. In a good way.

Eeee! Eeee!


millefiori January 18 2006, 18:36:13 UTC
Dignity schmignity. I think this is wonderful. :D


mamadeb January 18 2006, 18:40:43 UTC
Where is the bad or the shame or the immoral? There is only sad and sweet and loving here.


cesperanza January 19 2006, 01:00:43 UTC
This is because I resisted the--not inconsiderable pressure from said so-called "friends"--to have John fuck a dolphin. I couldn't figure out a way to do it that wouldn't grind the story to a screeching halt.

Maybe next time. ;)


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