Title: Strange Attractors
Pairing: Sheppard/McKay
Rating: NC-17
sga_flashfic - slave challenge
Summary: Of all the things he'd wanted but been sure he'd never get, John Sheppard was at the top of the list.
A/N: This is a darker take on the scenario I wrote in
Icing on the Cake. You should probably read Icing first, if only so the set-up makes
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Comments 121
Heartbreaking, and hopeful, and just wonderful.
I have to say I enjoyed the first version, and it certainly left me with more of a warm fuzzy feeling -- but this is a much more powerful story, which I suspect will stay with me in ways the other version won't.
Thank you so much; I'm glad you enjoyed it.
It was dark and angsty and creepy and...Wow!
My heart broke for Rodney :( *sniffles* You should SO write a sequel to this to FIX them *sobs*
You should SO write a sequel to this to FIX them *sobs*
You know, it kills me to say this, but I'm not sure they can be fixed. I wanted so bad to write the fix-it ending, but cathexys was absolutely right, I think, in saying that wouldn't be true; they're both a little too broken for it to be okay any time soon. And honestly? I hurt right along with you, because I'm apparently very invested in happy endings John and Rodney.
And though that knowledge didn't completely wash away his anger, it made him realize that McKay was only human, and it made him wonder how he would have reacted in the same situation.
Oh, but it had to go that badly, just so that I'd be that relieved when John realized they'd both screwed up, and decided he'd try to really fix it.
Ooh, pain. But good pain, cleansing pain, healing-kind-of-pain. Whew.
Yeah, it was just a little bit with the pain, wasn't it? *g* Now imagine that in my head for the last week...yeah.
I'm lousy at sequels (and I'm not sure John and Rodney can be easily fixed after this, either), but I have no problem with someone else writing a continuation.
Still, I would love to see a continuation -in character- that did not ignore what happened. It could take hundreds of pages! Logically it should take at least 300-500 pages. :D
(Note that sadistic readers like me do not mind overlong fics especially with built-in ansgt and emotional engagement: no sex needed as long as the protagonists suffer beautifully and realistically... )
I'm not sure I could see them becoming lovers after this without a lot of work, but you worked the emotional revelations so well that I can see them being friends again.
I'm glad it worked for you. This was probably the hardest thing I've ever written; by the time I finished I was absolutely drained.
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