Title: Strange Attractors
Pairing: Sheppard/McKay
Rating: NC-17
sga_flashfic - slave challenge
Summary: Of all the things he'd wanted but been sure he'd never get, John Sheppard was at the top of the list.
A/N: This is a darker take on the scenario I wrote in
Icing on the Cake. You should probably read Icing first, if only so the set-up makes
Read more... )
I'm lousy at sequels (and I'm not sure John and Rodney can be easily fixed after this, either), but I have no problem with someone else writing a continuation.
Still, I would love to see a continuation -in character- that did not ignore what happened. It could take hundreds of pages! Logically it should take at least 300-500 pages. :D
(Note that sadistic readers like me do not mind overlong fics especially with built-in ansgt and emotional engagement: no sex needed as long as the protagonists suffer beautifully and realistically... )
I think the longest thing I ever wrote was 17,500 words and that was RPS. *g* No, I somehow doubt I'm going to manage a 500-page epic sequel to this.
Your built-in audience is ready and waiting. Please feel free to practice on us. Or not: I'd settle for another SGA fic from you (never let it be said that your readers are demanding or anything...)
God, I hope not!
I think there'll be more stories forthcoming, but no sequels.
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