New Prompt post! Post #5

Jan 01, 2011 11:06

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All Johns Are Gray In The Dark (John/John/John/John/John/etc., orgy, PG-13) - 1 of 3 anonymous June 15 2011, 10:07:21 UTC
Warnings: PG-13 mostly for language I fear
alt-titles considered:
Me, Myself, and We
Can Johnny Come Out To Play?
No Man Left Behind"Fuck, it's really cold here," John said to himself. Sort of. Not only was it cold, it was pretty dark too ( ... )


All Johns Are Gray In The Dark (John/John/John/John/John/etc., orgy, PG-13) - 2 of 3 anonymous June 15 2011, 10:15:44 UTC
At this point there were about two dozen of them, and John had had everyone who was wearing a jacket pile it on the part of the floor where they'd dropped down when they got there to cushion the fall for new arrivals, even if it made the cave feel even colder.

But, "None of us here so far is a medical doctor, so if one of us breaks an arm or gets a concussion from landing too hard that'd suck, without a way of treating him. Or her," John had said, and that was that.

There hadn't been any hers -- Janes or Joans or whatevers -- yet, though. So far it was all guys, except for the robot-John. Actually even he was a guy. He sounded more like a guy than not and seemed to look pretty similar to the rest of them -- except for the being artificial thing.

Kinda too bad he didn't look like one of those hot chick Terminators, even if it would have been hard to appreciate in this light. But it looked like whatever cosmic joke or experiment-gone-wrong had brought them all here had honed in on Sheppards of the John variety ( ... )


All Johns Are Gray In The Dark (John/John/John/John/John/etc., orgy, PG-13) - 3 of 4 anonymous June 15 2011, 10:22:37 UTC
"Hey," said John eventually. "Who else thinks being this cold is really stupid ( ... )


All Johns Are Gray In The Dark (John/John/John/John/John/etc., orgy, PG-13) - 4 of 4 anonymous June 15 2011, 10:29:17 UTC
"I have not had occasion to attempt using this particular function of my equipment before," said robot-John, managing to sound wistful despite his somewhat limited range of inflection, "But I would very much like to try."

"I'm sure that won't be a problem -- I have no doubt there's at least one of us with a virgin-kink who'll be happy to help you experiment," said John.

He turned to peer over at nipplerings-John. "What about you and your Colonel guy?" John asked him. "Will he understand that this is the only smart thing to do here, what with heat conservation?"

"Well," said nipplerings-John. "I could tell him-- Would you mind if I said some of you made me? Or maybe drugged me and made me? I think he'd be willing to believe it, even if I think you wouldn't actually, but..." he whispered, "I'd really like to too. And the Colonel enjoys telling me his fantasies about having someone else fuck me against my will. But of course he'd never actually let someone who wasn't him touch me. But this way, well, it is him, us, you -- and when I ( ... )


Re: All Johns Are Gray In The Dark (John/John/John/John/John/etc., orgy, PG-13) - 4 of 4 anonymous June 15 2011, 10:44:08 UTC
*pets pornmuse-less nonny* We'll just have to use our imagination then. :)

The set-up i A+


Re: All Johns Are Gray In The Dark (John/John/John/John/John/etc., orgy, PG-13) - 4 of 4 anonymous June 15 2011, 16:10:12 UTC
Would've loved the porn, but setup was great on its own.


Re: All Johns Are Gray In The Dark (John/John/John/John/John/etc., orgy, PG-13) - 4 of 4 anonymous June 15 2011, 20:12:11 UTC
Awesome. ♥


Re: All Johns Are Gray In The Dark (John/John/John/John/John/etc., orgy, PG-13) - 4 of 4 anonymous June 16 2011, 00:54:34 UTC
OMG, I was cackling from the start, but this bit:
"Well," said nipplerings-John. "I could tell him-- Would you mind if I said some of you made me? Or maybe drugged me and made me?

Made me choke on my own spit.



Re: All Johns Are Gray In The Dark (John/John/John/John/John/etc., orgy, PG-13) - 4 of 4 anonymous June 16 2011, 08:40:22 UTC
OP here: this is absolutely fantastic! I don't mind having stuff left up to my imagination, because you did such a great set-up, giving them all their own personalities (and you made POV-John stand out as unique, I don't know how). I was trying to pick my favorite John, but I can't! Nipplering John was pretty awesome (does he have another John at home?... home, home on the meme?), but so was Robot John and blue John. And MPreg John \o/ Mmmm!


Re: All Johns Are Gray In The Dark (John/John/John/John/John/etc., orgy, PG-13) - 4 of 4 anonymous June 18 2011, 07:21:46 UTC
Love, love, love this. :)


Re: All Johns Are Gray In The Dark (John/John/John/John/John/etc., orgy, PG-13) - 4 of 4 anonymous June 29 2011, 16:32:40 UTC
oh that was awesome. i'd love to watch them, gettin it on^^ it's almost impossible to decide which one of them is the cutest... but i think i would go for blue john and his chittering^^


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