New Prompt post! Post #5

Jan 01, 2011 11:06

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All Johns Are Gray In The Dark (John/John/John/John/John/etc., orgy, PG-13) - 2 of 3 anonymous June 15 2011, 10:15:44 UTC
At this point there were about two dozen of them, and John had had everyone who was wearing a jacket pile it on the part of the floor where they'd dropped down when they got there to cushion the fall for new arrivals, even if it made the cave feel even colder.

But, "None of us here so far is a medical doctor, so if one of us breaks an arm or gets a concussion from landing too hard that'd suck, without a way of treating him. Or her," John had said, and that was that.

There hadn't been any hers -- Janes or Joans or whatevers -- yet, though. So far it was all guys, except for the robot-John. Actually even he was a guy. He sounded more like a guy than not and seemed to look pretty similar to the rest of them -- except for the being artificial thing.

Kinda too bad he didn't look like one of those hot chick Terminators, even if it would have been hard to appreciate in this light. But it looked like whatever cosmic joke or experiment-gone-wrong had brought them all here had honed in on Sheppards of the John variety.

Robot-John wasn't even the weirdest one -- that was either pregnant John or Blue John.

At least, John assumed he was blue, even if all Johns looked gray in the cave's gloom. Whatever, if he was still a bug there was no reason to assume he was any color other than the blue John himself had almost turned into.

He'd been the most unusual on arriving, John thought -- he'd made a lot of clicking and chirping sounds right away and wanted to sniff everyone's neck.

John had asked him if his buggyness was contagious at all, and after getting an emphatic headshake no had led the way and been the first one to let the buggy version of himself smell his neck. After he'd sniffed everyone Blue John had settled down quietly enough.

And he'd had been the quickest to pull a canteen from the pile and offer it to the John whose first words on arrival had been, "Ohgod I don't want to puke. Fucking Evan, next time it's his turn. Goddammit, I hate morning sickness!"

There hadn't been actual puking, just some dry-heaving. And then they got to hear that in that particular John's universe, male gene-carriers who'd lived on Atlantis for a while could get pregnant. Apparently their Atlantis had something in the air or the water that encouraged making as many near-Ancient babies as possible.

That hadn't been the scariest part though -- the most terrifying had been hearing that Doc Beckett and Lt. Cadman had gotten each other pregnant at the same time and were now the proud parents of two little girls -- Carson's twins -- and what sounded like the unholy terror of a little boy Laura'd had. Still, at least knocked-up John sounded happy with Lorne, and they had managed to avoid simultaneous pregnancy.



All Johns Are Gray In The Dark (John/John/John/John/John/etc., orgy, PG-13) - 3 of 4 anonymous June 15 2011, 10:22:37 UTC
"Hey," said John eventually. "Who else thinks being this cold is really stupid?"

He couldn't tell which John it was who asked, "Should we find our jackets and put them back on then?"

Blue John chittered, and one of the other Johns impatiently said, "Not all of us came with jackets when we got here, Doctor Sweatervest, and what if another one of us falls through the wall?"

"Well, it's been quite a while since we've had a new arrival," another John said.

Once a few Johns had agreed with that, John said, "I was thinking more of sharing body-heat, or--"

"Or generating some, I hope," said another voice, "-- it's like the damn baby sucks all the warmth directly from my feet. Besides making me horny as hell at the most inappropriate times."

"Riiiight," said John. "Now we're talking. That is, are we on one page here, talking about this?"

There were some shuffles and murmurs, and then what sounded like pregnant John saying, "Jesus, yes! I'm cold, I'm bored, I'm horny, I like having sex with myself but I like having sex with someone else more -- and jesus what an opportunity, because we're all me there's no way I'm counting it as cheating. I'm in. Just be careful with the belly."

"That's a very interesting viewpoint," said another John -- John suspected it was the sociologist Dr. Sheppard who'd said he'd persuaded Teyla and even Rodney to let Ronon give them all matching tattoos -- "and one I.... Yes, it's important to validate exploration. Right, I'm in."

"Anyone got issues with this?" asked John. "I'm assuming we're all bisexual -- or gay enough to not freak out?"

"I played around with guys in junior high, but that was before I decided on the Air Force," said one John.

"Really, you guys still discriminate based on relationships in your universe? I got married to my whole team even before I made Colonel," said another. "And as long as I let them know a good time was had by all I know they'd want me to help with the warming effort."



All Johns Are Gray In The Dark (John/John/John/John/John/etc., orgy, PG-13) - 4 of 4 anonymous June 15 2011, 10:29:17 UTC
"I have not had occasion to attempt using this particular function of my equipment before," said robot-John, managing to sound wistful despite his somewhat limited range of inflection, "But I would very much like to try."

"I'm sure that won't be a problem -- I have no doubt there's at least one of us with a virgin-kink who'll be happy to help you experiment," said John.

He turned to peer over at nipplerings-John. "What about you and your Colonel guy?" John asked him. "Will he understand that this is the only smart thing to do here, what with heat conservation?"

"Well," said nipplerings-John. "I could tell him-- Would you mind if I said some of you made me? Or maybe drugged me and made me? I think he'd be willing to believe it, even if I think you wouldn't actually, but..." he whispered, "I'd really like to too. And the Colonel enjoys telling me his fantasies about having someone else fuck me against my will. But of course he'd never actually let someone who wasn't him touch me. But this way, well, it is him, us, you -- and when I tell him I'm pretty sure he'll get off on it and only punish me a little."

"Okay then," said John. "For those of us who want 'em, let's pool our condoms -- some of you guys were geared up and I can't be the only one who keeps a few in my tac vest -- and whatever we have that we can use as lube."

Blue John started chittering and waving his hand and his claw excitedly. "As long as you're careful with the claw there, no need to worry -- as far as I'm concerned, this is an equal-opportunity keep-warm exercise, we're not leaving anyone out who doesn't want to be left out. You cool with that?"

Blue John moved close to John and for a second John thought he was about to get kissed -- which, well, it'd been a while since he'd kissed a man.

He liked the feeling of stubble, liked fucking guys as much as women, but the last year or two it'd only been women who'd come on to him and he hadn't felt like making the effort himself to go looking for something else. So yeah, kissing a guy, that sounded good, even if Blue John might be more scaly than stubbly to kiss -- John would have to find out.

But no, Blue John veered off on a tangent and what John felt was the wetness of a long, slightly rough and extremely agile tongue on his neck, right on the Iratus scar tissue -- and holy shit he'd never realized that patch could be quite that fucking sensitive.

"Oh fuck -- yeah, pal, you're going to be plenty popular the next few hours, I can guarantee you that," John said, just before he felt four or five hands starting to tug at his clothes and pull him down to the floor.


AN: Oh no, 2000 words of orgy setup and then the dread fade to black. Dear memers, I'm sorry but my pornmuse has fallen and it can't get up! Someday I may be able to write properly kinky robot PWP again but that doesn't seem to be this month.


Re: All Johns Are Gray In The Dark (John/John/John/John/John/etc., orgy, PG-13) - 4 of 4 anonymous June 15 2011, 10:44:08 UTC
*pets pornmuse-less nonny* We'll just have to use our imagination then. :)

The set-up i A+


Re: All Johns Are Gray In The Dark (John/John/John/John/John/etc., orgy, PG-13) - 4 of 4 anonymous June 15 2011, 16:10:12 UTC
Would've loved the porn, but setup was great on its own.


Re: All Johns Are Gray In The Dark (John/John/John/John/John/etc., orgy, PG-13) - 4 of 4 anonymous June 15 2011, 20:12:11 UTC
Awesome. ♥


Re: All Johns Are Gray In The Dark (John/John/John/John/John/etc., orgy, PG-13) - 4 of 4 anonymous June 16 2011, 00:54:34 UTC
OMG, I was cackling from the start, but this bit:
"Well," said nipplerings-John. "I could tell him-- Would you mind if I said some of you made me? Or maybe drugged me and made me?

Made me choke on my own spit.



Re: All Johns Are Gray In The Dark (John/John/John/John/John/etc., orgy, PG-13) - 4 of 4 anonymous June 16 2011, 08:40:22 UTC
OP here: this is absolutely fantastic! I don't mind having stuff left up to my imagination, because you did such a great set-up, giving them all their own personalities (and you made POV-John stand out as unique, I don't know how). I was trying to pick my favorite John, but I can't! Nipplering John was pretty awesome (does he have another John at home?... home, home on the meme?), but so was Robot John and blue John. And MPreg John \o/ Mmmm!


Re: All Johns Are Gray In The Dark (John/John/John/John/John/etc., orgy, PG-13) - 4 of 4 anonymous June 18 2011, 07:21:46 UTC
Love, love, love this. :)


Re: All Johns Are Gray In The Dark (John/John/John/John/John/etc., orgy, PG-13) - 4 of 4 anonymous June 29 2011, 16:32:40 UTC
oh that was awesome. i'd love to watch them, gettin it on^^ it's almost impossible to decide which one of them is the cutest... but i think i would go for blue john and his chittering^^


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