Reciprocal Regard (G)

Apr 20, 2009 20:34

Title: Reciprocal Regard
Rating: G
Warning/Spoilers: Includes references to all SG-1 and S4 of SGA. For additional warning, click here.
Prompt(s): "I've got your six."
Summary: Throughout the years, Jack and Sam have always been there for each other. Twelve drabbles that illustrate a lifetime of friendship and support.

Author's note: This was ( Read more... )

my sg-1 fic

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Comments 25

izhilzha April 20 2009, 19:08:12 UTC
Oh. Oh, I like this. Especially the end.


sg_fignewton April 20 2009, 21:29:46 UTC
Thank you! I'm really glad it worked for you. :)


night_spear1287 April 20 2009, 20:29:46 UTC
Wow. Jack/Sam friendship is usually the genre I skimp on the most while reading, but you've captured their relationship absolutely beautifully here.

They gambled the universe against their faith in a friend

That's so much of what SG-1 is, right there, in regard to any of their members. I love that line.


sg_fignewton April 20 2009, 21:30:52 UTC
Well, it's not as if the genre is common enough to skimp on a regular basis, really. Do browse through jacksamfriends; I think you'll find a lot to like there.

And yes, thank you - I'm proud of that line, and when it comes right down to it, it really does sum of SG-1, doesn't it?


colej55 April 21 2009, 00:55:34 UTC
Okay, officially typing through tears and not responsible for typos.

These were absolutely brilliant. Each one a completely satisfying snippet of life between our two heroes.

Lovely, just lovely! More, please.


sg_fignewton April 21 2009, 05:11:05 UTC
Such lovely feedback - thank you! :)

Writing drabbles is hard. But Sam and Jack friendship...? I hope I'll be able to write more.


colej55 April 21 2009, 05:28:11 UTC
Hard? Drabbles are downright impossible except for a chosen few good authors (such as yourself).

I set out to write "at least 100 words" on the letter "U" prompt for the Janet Alphabet Soup and I'm already on page 14! And let me tell ya, Izzie has her beta work cut out for her!!!

*giggles at your icon*


sg_fignewton April 22 2009, 05:02:54 UTC
I'm not going to actually object to deliciously long Janet fic, y'know. :D

surrealis made that icon, and it is shareable and fantastic!


thraesja April 21 2009, 11:56:03 UTC
Ah, this was lovely. Wonderful snapshots of some important times in their history. Good for you; getting full scenes into such tight wording is challenging, but you did it very well. Very, very well.

Liked the explanation of why Sam heads back to the SGC after Area 51. Loved the post-Atlantis bit, and when after Jolinar she needed Jack's professionalism over Daniel's kindness? Perfect.


sg_fignewton April 21 2009, 13:49:05 UTC
You always write such lovely feedback! :)

I'm glad these all worked for you, and yes, I think Daniel's kindness would've killed at that point. Sam is, after all, a soldier.


thraesja April 22 2009, 19:29:52 UTC
Well, when I like something a lot I try to make an effort to leave the type of feedback I like to receive, since I assume everyone else must like it, too. :)

And these most certainly worked for me.


amaranthtraces April 21 2009, 20:52:06 UTC
Oh. I can't even pick a favourite of these wonderful glimpses in between canon. The one following In the Line of Duty was just... And Shades of Grey... Then you continued the perfection with The Shroud and the conclusion... Everything was just bang on. Bravo.


sg_fignewton April 21 2009, 21:59:06 UTC
Detailed feedback is to be savored! Thank you so much - I'm really glad you liked it. :)


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